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Tag: scenes

Bitget Review 2022: Crypto Exchange with BIG Potential!

<!-- --> Those of us who have been kicking around the crypto space for more than a day know all about...

Declining Crypto Prices: Is Shorting Crypto a Good Idea

<!-- --> There is no way to sugar-coat the fact that crypto prices are down in the dumps, and many of...

Moscow vs. Jerusalem? Israel-Russia Tensions Escalate

Israel-Russia tensions: Moscow demands an end to IDF strikes in Syria and could stop Jewish emigration, according to new reports. Israel’s ongoing airstrikes...

Analysis / Is Israel Secretly Helping Ukraine vs. Russia

As time passes, indications are growing that Israel is quietly helping the Ukrainian Army to fight Russian forces. In the latest signal, a...

NASA astronaut, two cosmonauts set for Wednesday return to Earth

NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei, launched by Russia to the International Space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft last April, returns this week to a world torn by war in Ukraine and escalating superpower tension as he closes out a 355-day stay in orbit, the longest single flight by a U.S. astronaut.

The coolest thing I saw at GDC: software that animates anything

Tell Anything World what you want, and it tries to make it happen using machine learning and over 500,000 3D models.

Thanks to DirectStorage, Forspoken loads in only one second

Long load times could soon be a thing of the past.


Are NFTs art? The team behind LAGO offers a hearty "Yes" and they've got the product to prove it. Meet LAGO, the real-world frame that...

Israeli Professor Predicted Russia’s Rise, Large War

In 2010, an Israeli professor made some dramatic war predictions. He foresaw a huge military conflict erupting around the year 2020, with a...

Above the Fold: Supply Chain Logistics News (February 25, 2022)

Russia invades Ukraine. The headline was anticipated for months (actually, years), but it finally came true this week. Now what? Russia Invades Ukraine: Now What? It’s the...

Fighting Worker Shortages Through Connectivity

Chronic labor shortages have continued to plague the world’s supply chains. In the United States, the issue is especially acute. In what some are...

The Biggest Leaks Revealed by Edward Snowden

When 2013 began, the general public had no idea who Edward Joseph Snowden was, but by the end of the year, everyone knew his...

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