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Tag: scanned

17 Best OCR software in 2024 for popular business use cases

For over 5 decades now, optical character recognition or OCR software has most commonly been used to digitize files and digitally archive paper documents....

The role of AI in data extraction and document processing

Data is the lifeblood of many businesses today. But what use is data if it's locked away in unstructured formats like emails, PDFs, and...

Ukraine to Get Sweden’s AWACS in First Airborne Radar Donation

S 100B Argus/ASC890 in flight at the Swedish Armed Forces' Airshow on June 13, 2010. (Image credit: Wikimedia Commons) The two Saab 340B AEW&C...

Best Apps and Sites for Augmented Reality

Recent updatesThis article was updated May 24, 2024Why should teachers integrate augmented reality (AR) apps and sites into their curricula? With manipulable 3D visuals,...

Russian Fighter Deal Reflects Indonesia’s Goal of a ‘Sanctions-Proof’ Economy

Indonesian Ambassador to Russia Jose Tavares confirmed last week that a $1.14 billion contract signed for the acquisition of 11 Su-35S fighter aircraft from...

How New TEJAS Fighter Jet Variant Is Different From Its Predecessor

How New TEJAS Fighter Jet Variant Is Different From Its Predecessor Saturday, May 18, 2024 by Indian Defence News The 4.5 generation TEJAS fighter jet can...

Quantum Particulars Guest Column: “Looking at Real World Use Cases for Quantum Sensors” – Inside Quantum Technology

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry posted 16 May 2024 “Quantum Particulars” is an editorial guest column featuring exclusive insights and...

How to copy an Excel table into Word

Are you tired of the time-consuming and error-prone process of manually copying Excel tables into Word documents? Anyone who frequently works with data knows...

Web Scraping for Market Research

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, staying ahead is a constant struggle for all organizations. To achieve this, businesses must be updated with the...

Patent Office Issued 243 Patents to Indiana Entities in March 2024

The U.S. Patent Office issued the following 243 patents to persons and businesses in Indiana in March 2024: Patent Number                                      Title US 11943517 B2 Method and apparatus for...

How to use web scraping for lead generation and sales?

Lead generation is the heartbeat of all businesses. Without an effective lead-generation process, any business cannot grow and sustain for long. Traditionally, lead generation...

NVIDIA’s ChatRTX expands its AI model arsenal with Google’s Gemma and voice queries

NVIDIA introduced ChatRTX, an experimental AI chatbot that lets users interact with their local data on Windows PCs. This program stood out for its ability...

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