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Tag: Run

Reach #2: Silvia Oviedo Lopez, Pinterest’s Head of International Product & Operations

In Episode 2, Vasco talks with Silvia Oviedo Lopez, Pinterest’s Head of International Product & Operations.Localization is optional, but internationalization is not. The...

Mozilla Releases Critical Security Updates for FireFox, Thunderbird

Reading Time: 1 minuteSecurity updates released this week by Mozilla include security fixes for numerous vulnerabilities in Firefox, Firefox ESR, and Thunderbird. These...

Study: Most Used Antivirus Take up to 6 Months to Catch Threats

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe four most used antivirus have been put to the test and found wanting. We are not surprised. Comodo long ago...

Unbabel’s New Year’s Giveaway Winner 2015: GoCardless

On January 6th, we launched our New Year Giveaway. It was our first ever so we went big: 15,000 words, any three languages you...

cWatch Delivers Umatched Awareness of Zero-day Threats & Malware

Reading Time: 3 minutes What’s worse, having your network compromised by a hacker or having your network compromised by a hacker and not knowing...

AOL Ad Networks Distributing Malvertising

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt was first reported in early January that AOL ad distribution networks were serving malware infected ads on high profile...

Unbabel’s Customer Support Philosophy in 7 Tenets

Customer Support maintains the relationships that drive business, and like all relationships, there are no shortcuts.At Unbabel, we follow 7 rules in every customer...

10 Steps to Avoid Identity Theft

Reading Time: 2 minutesIdentity theft is the fastest growing crime and is costing Americans millions of dollars, not to mention the many hours...

Zero Day Vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player Threatens Web Users

Reading Time: 2 minutesCriminals are using a new zero day vulnerability in the Adobe Flash Player to conduct drive-by-downloads, infecting unsuspecting web site...

Sandboxing is Nice. Auto-Sandboxing is Essential

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe problem with conventional antivirus software is that they are like a bomb disposal unit that has not yet figured...

Online Privacy and Security Concerns in an Age of Terror

Reading Time: 4 minutesOnce again, terror is in the news and dominates much of the national discussion. A major European city, the great...

Critical Security Flaws in Firefox Require Updates

Reading Time: 1 minuteMozilla has released security updates to address critical security flaws in Firefox and Thunderbird. These vulnerabilities may allow an attacker...

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