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Tag: rules

Clinicall: Empower everyone with easy access to healthcare-related services

Digital transformation continues to impact all sectors of business, from healthcare to retail shopping, changing how we store money, how we shop, and...

AI is talking to you. But does it understand what it says?

Let’s say you’re in a room, alone.You look around. The room doesn’t have any windows or doors, just a small slot in one...

The past, the present and the future of AI

The other day I came across an article on MIT Technology Review in which, after analyzing 16,625 papers on the future of Artificial...

Congress Weighs In on Cryptocurrency Taxation

Bipartisan members of the House are advocating for more clarity in the tax law as it relates to taxation of cryptocurrency. First, on April...

Supersonic Flights: Sustainable, Responsible and Game Changing Transportation

Written for Abu Dhabi Ideas 2019 In 1966, I left a remote desert village in India, with my mom, on a camel. A few weeks later, we were on our first 747 aircraft to London. That was 53 years and 38 countries ago. That one experience made all the difference in opportunities available to [...]

TurnKey Token Gets to Fly: SEC Issues First No-Action Letter for Token Sale

On April 3, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provided important guidance for token issuers. The SEC Division of Corporation Finance issued...

A checklist for multilingual customer support

Nowadays, online services target customers in hundreds of countries at once. And thanks to a fully localized customer experience, consumers are becoming ever...

The dictionary is dead. Long live the dictionary!

Scandal. Calamity. Disaster.Few would use these words to describe a dictionary. But these harsh words were indeed lobbed at Webster’s Third New International...

How Blockchain is Going to Influence the World

If you want to understand what blockchain usually looks like, then in simple terms it would be a giant spreadsheet that is distributed...

Awesome Cannabis Web Design – 420 website breakdown

Cannabis web design is booming. 420 entrepreneurs are creative, fun, smart and know how to use branding to build awesome websites. Let's take a look at some great examples.

The post Awesome Cannabis Web Design – 420 website breakdown appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

Should language be more gender neutral?

Back in 1986, Whoopi Goldberg said in an interview for NBC: “An actress can only play a woman. I’m an actor – I...

Password managers are not invulnerable. But don’t tell anyone

Password managers are great. But they are not infallible. It turns out, doing the right thing is not always the best idea.What we mean...

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