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How many times do we have to say this? A Tesla isn’t a self-driving car, say investigators after Apple man’s fatal crash

'It's time to stop pretending they have driverless cars. Because they don't' The deadly crash of an Apple engineer's Tesla was down to...

How many times do we have to tell you? A Tesla isn’t a self-driving car, say investigators after Apple man’s fatal crash

'It's time to stop pretending they have driverless cars. Because they don't' The deadly crash of an Apple engineer's Tesla was down to...

Monero Mining via Tor is now an Option

The mining of privacy coins has always been rather interesting. Xmrig, one of the mining tools for Monero, now has built-in Tor...

90% of Bitcoins on the Lightning Network Could be Lost to Attackers Following Current Lightening Implementation, Research says.

In a paper published on the 16th of February, two researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ayelet Mizrahi, and Aviv Zohar have...

HDG Explains : What Is a Blockchain Database?

If you’re looking for a simple explanation of what is a blockchain database, you’ll be hard pressed to find one that...

Lightning Solves Bitcoin’s Speed Problem, But Watch Out for Fraudsters

J.P. Koning, a CoinDesk columnist, worked as an equity researcher at a Canadian brokerage firm and a financial writer at a large Canadian...

Build a Simple Beginner App with Node, Bootstrap and MongoDB

If you’re just getting started with Node.js and want to try your hand at building a web app, things can often get a...

The Price of Gold Has Surged To 7 Year Highs, Nexo Finance is Tokenizing and Making “Gold Great Again”

Gold prices have recently hit 7 year highs as caution in the traditional markets continues to mount. With Gold prices surging, it’s...

Kingdom Hearts III Developers Discuss the Re Mind DLC, Available February 25 on Xbox One

February is an exciting time for Kingdom Hearts and Xbox. Not only is the Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind DLC launching...

Automotive IQ Guides: Autonomous Cars

After the initial euphoric predictions of mass adoption of self-driving cars by 2025, the industry, regulators and consumers are taking a step back...

Watch Chartist Dan McDermitt Debate Analyst Ronnie Moas on Why Trading Can Beat Hodling

This week, technical analyst Dan McDermitt of The Chart Guys educational platform debates Standpoint Research founder Ronnie Moas on trading versus holding.Can traders...

Why Do Corporations Speak The Way They Do?

Photo: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock I worked at various start-ups...

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