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Tag: Robust security

From Friction to Fluidity: Ensuring Security and User Experience in Finance

In today’s digital world, 81% of people access online services daily. Against this backdrop, verifying identities online has become a new business standard. It’s...

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The Importance of Europe-South Korea Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific 

The Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a focal point for global strategic interests, necessitating robust security cooperation among like-minded nations. The partnership between South...

1inch partners with Blockaid to enhance Web3 security through the 1inch Shield – Tech Startups

Dubai, UAE, June 20th, 2024, CyberNewsWire 1inch, a leading DeFi aggregator that provides advanced security solutions to users across the entire space, has announced today the...

HYPR Adds $30M to Make Passwordless Authentication the Standard in Identity Verfication

Passwordless authentication enhances security by eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with traditional passwords, such as phishing and credential stuffing, while also improving user experience through...

Top FAQs on Data Privacy

What is Data Privacy? Data privacy is a branch of data security that governs how organizations collect, manage, handle, and process consumer data. It protects internet...

How did we lose control of our currencies?

The following is a guest post by Phillip Alexeev, Chief Growth Officer at CrossFi.Over the centuries, the evolution of currency has defined the human...

Trezor Unveils New TS5 Hardware Wallet with Enhanced Security

Trezor, a leading name in the crypto hardware wallet industry, has just launched its newest flagship product, the Trezor Safe 5 (TS5). This latest...

TeleportDAO ICO: Bridging Blockchain with $9.6M Funding

Quick Look TeleportDAO uses light-client verification for secure, trust-minimized cross-chain data access, bypassing traditional validator complexities. Key events include a Token Generation Event (TGE) on July...

BloFin Exchange Enhances Compliance and Security with Chainalysis | Live Bitcoin News

BloFin Exchange, a leading cryptocurrency trading platform renowned for its robust security measures and user-centric innovations, is excited to announce its integration with the...

How Should Government-Owned Removable Media Be Stored

Government entities handle vast amounts of sensitive data, ranging from personal information of citizens to confidential state secrets. Ensuring the security of this data...

Is parallel EVM the solution for Ethereum scaling?

Ethereum has changed the game in the blockchain world, but it’s not without its problems. High gas fees, network congestion, and slow transaction times...

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