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Tag: rewarding

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Kronos DAO Announces Public Sale Date

Rome, Italy, Mar 24, 2022 - (ACN Newswire) - Kronos DAO, the next evolution of reserve currency protocol, has announced its public sale date. Scheduled for March 28th, 2022, the public sale will be a good opportunity for prospective token holders to participate in the project. In addition to a public token sale, Kronos DAO has slated April 8, 2022, as its partnership date with CORENODE.

In anticipation of the public sale, Kronos DAO has garnered over $540k.

Kronos DAO introduces a Future Fund facet that will see the next-generation DAO reserve protocol invest 15% of profits in its treasury in emerging start-ups in the blockchain space. Through Future Fund, Kronos DAO will hope to accelerate the growth of these nascent start-ups, ergo transforming the DAO protocol into an on-chain venture capital firm.

Kronos DAO is committed to generating interest in investments for investors by building, incubating, and investing in start-ups at their early stages.

The $KRONOS Token

Kronos DAO has launched a native token, $KRONOS. The token will govern the DAO project - -acting as a governance token for making and implementing significant decisions on the ecosystem. $KRONOS has launched on Binance Smart Chain [BSC]. It is also available for exchange and swap on PancakeSwap. Currently, talks are underway to expand it to cross-chains in the coming months.

A total of 10 million $KRONOS, Kronos DAO has set aside 40% for the public sale as it seeks to build its treasury.

Kronos DAO will offer token holders a sustainable passive income source for staking $KRONOS on its staking platform. Through auto-compounding, Kronos DAO will reward token holders with $KRONOS.

The DHP (Diamond Hands Protocol) will allow community members to earn $KRONOS on the staked amounts according to different reward levels. Members will receive enhanced tips once Diamond Hands Protocol is activated. The corresponding bonus level, eventually reached, will be applied to each single staked amount.

Kronos DAO incorporates an additional earning opportunity for community members: the Diamond Hands Node (DHN). This program of 3 days to 30 days reward accumulation time. will allow community members to earn an extra profit of $KRONOS to add to the rewards when you claim them in relation to the bonus level reached.

An Ambitious Roadmap

The Kronos DAO team has planned out a strategic, ambitious, and feasible project roadmap. Split into five phases - each scheduled for completion in a month - Kronos DAO will, after the public sale, hire Cyberscope and Certik to audit its smart contract. Furthermore, Kronos DAO will hope to have its token, $KRONOS, listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko - two leading crypto analytics websites.

An Open NFT Kronos DAO whitelist will also take place.

About Kronos DAO

The next evolution of a reserve protocol, Kronos DAO, is a project that aims at generating enormous returns for investors through the building, incubating, and investing in crypto start-ups in their embryonic stages. Kronos DAO has introduced a suite of modern features as it seeks to accelerate the growth of emerging start-ups while rewarding users for committing their tokens to the platform.

Public Sale
KronosDAO: https://bsc.kronosdao.ai
Pinksale: https://www.pinksale.finance

Social Links
Telegram: https://t.me/KRONOS_community
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dao_kronos
GitHub: https://github.com/Kronos-DaoDefi
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/CrUeCMBPFp
Medium: https://medium.com/@kronos_dao

Media Contact
Brand: Kronos DAO
Contact: Tommy
Email: admin@kronosdao.ai
Website: https://kronosdao.ai


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