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Tag: resource

How to Fix Your Creative & Business Goals So You Actually Hit Them This Year

‘Tis the season of annual goal setting, but many creators have been frustrated with setting goals in the past. In this session, Tyler...

React with TypeScript: Best Practices

React and TypeScript are two awesome technologies used by a lot of developers these days. Knowing how to do things can get tricky,...

Games Like Black and White You Should Already Have Played

We’ve all wanted to play god, right? Whether creating vast, beautiful worlds or using your divine powers to smite the unbelievers, many gamers have...

Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms – Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake and More

A blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that stores append-only (add to the end of) data and verifies the integrity of that information...

Female Founder Series: Fran Maier of BabyQuip

Fran Maier, CEO & Founder of BabyQuip, is a serial entrepreneur, including experience as Co-Founder & GM of Match.com and Founder & CEO...

10 Lessons from a 10-Year Comic Book Project

In this end-of-the-decade session of the ComixLaunch Podcast, Tyler shares the 10 biggest lessons he’s learned over the past 10 years working on...

How to Make Cold Water Hash Correctly and Easy

Learn how to make hash out of your cannabis, and do it correctly with our guide! If you’ve been a marijuana enthusiast, you’ve...

The Importance of Human Resources Analytics 

The human resources industry is a lot more than collecting and tracking employee information today. Over time it has evolved and gained focus...

Why Aren’t More Women Buying My Books? [MasterMind Session]

Fantasy webcomic creator Melissa J Massey is puzzled by the fact that despite creating work that features strong female leads in genres women...

Should a Comic Writer Get a Literary Agent? [MasterMind Session]

Professional comic writer Erica Schultz looks for feedback from a mastermind of creator peers on the advantages of getting a literary agent to...

Civic crowdfunding councils – a co-learning event

This week, we brought together 40 local authorities from across Wales, the Midlands and the North of England to share learning around civic...

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