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Tag: remarkable

Deborah Frieze on change and localism

Deborah Frieze's remarkable TED talk on change. "The way we're trying to change the world is not going to work, and it's never going to...

12 Powerful Email Marketing Software for Marketing Teams in 2023 📧

In this roundup, we are going to talk about some of the best email marketing services and software on the market for effective delivery,...

Technology in Cardiometabolic Health • Medtech Impact On Wellness

This partner blog is from The Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC). In collaboration with MedTech, CMHC will host the Cardiometabolic Tech Summit on October 10th to...

Integrating Ultra-Thin Si Dies Within A Flexible Label – Shin-Etsu MicroSi

Recent developments in the integration of ultra-thin silicon dies within a flexible film lead to a new paradigm. Indeed, thanks to the thinness and...

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