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Tag: Recreational

Recreational Cannabis Sales Begin in Michigan

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Colorado Responsible Vendor Compliance Training

MED Responsible Marijuana Vendor Training Colorado was one of the first states to legalize the medical use of marijuana and the very first state to allow recreational use in the United States. The state’s legal framework used to regulate and develop a strong cannabis economy has been replicated across the United States to establish similarly

The post Colorado Responsible Vendor Compliance Training appeared first on Green CulturED.

Marijuana Edibles: Dosage, Effects, Gummies, & Everything You Need to Know

What Are Edibles? Edibles are any food item that has been infused with cannabis, THC, CBD or cannabidiol. The potency, taste and marijuana infusion process will vary from edible to edible, so always read the labeling or ask the budtender for advice.  Edible companies have their own process and unique recipes but the end result

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The post Marijuana Edibles: Dosage, Effects, Gummies, & Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Colorado Cannabis Tours and 420 Hotels.

Massachusetts Responsible Vendor Training

MA’s Cannabis Industry Compliance Training As a state with both legal medical and recreational marijuana, Massachusetts is leading the way with new compliance practices. On July 17, 2019 (and effective that day), the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission announced it would require all professionals in roles that directly handle or sell marijuana to complete the “Responsible

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Whole Plant Medicine: Full-Spectrum CBD vs. Broad-Spectrum CBD vs. CBD Isolates

We’ve entered the age of CBD, and for your average person, it’s a confusing one. Every store sells CBD these days, and you may already have an idea of what CBD is. It’s derived from the cannabis plant, and it does not have a high effect like recreational cannabis. Reports show that CBD can help

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Understanding medical marijuana

There are lots of buzzes these days about what pot can do and what it can't. In many states worldwide, marijuana has two distinct forms – medical and recreational. 

In this write-up, we are going to focus on what is necessary for medical marijuana. Hang in here for fun facts that you can't get anywhere else.

Medical marijuana without psychotropic properties

You can undoubtedly nod that you have come across the term Cannabidiol (CBD). This compound, under most circumstances, lacks little to no mind-bending effects. 

The cannabis plant has two distinct species – hemp and marijuana. The hemp plant gives high CBD yields. That typically means when one takes any derivative from the hemp plant, they most undoubtedly won't get sedated.

On the contrary, marijuana plants give high levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound known for getting the users high.

When we are talking about medical marijuana without psychotropic properties in this context, we mean that the medication is rich in CBD and trace amounts of THC. 

That said, when one wants to get the medical benefits from these plants, they ought to buy CBD-dominant seeds.

The Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds company is a fantastic bank for getting a plethora of these. The strains from CBD-dominant seeds give rise to low THC levels. The percentages can rarely surpass 0.3%, which is why the patient can't get sedated after taking ganja from such plants.

Where does medical marijuana come from?

The process of coming up with medical marijuana starts with the planting of medical marijuana seeds. These seeds give medical marijuana seeds. You can get most of these from the Amsterdam Seed Company. 

When these plants get extracted, cannabinoids like THC and CBD get extracted. After that, the final product is referred to as medical marijuana. 

It has a myriad of uses which prompts us to see some.

Uses of Medical Marijuana

It is unarguable that more research needs to get done to establish what medical marijuana can do to the human body. 

The National Institute of Health reports that the usage of medical marijuana started more than 30 centuries ago. 

The patients who have over the recent past used CBD-rich medical marijuana attribute it to offer certain benefits as denoted below.

1. Alleviation of Chronic Pain

A review from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine conducted in 2018 shows that medical marijuana is indeed a practical solution when it comes to the alleviation of different forms of chronic pain. 

Medical marijuana interacts closely with the CB1 receptors in the human brain to relay signals meant to suppress any instances of pain. 

2. Reducing addiction 

This may come out as a surprise, but it shouldn't. Some people suffering from the overdependence on alcohol and opiates may get a timely solution from the usage of medical marijuana. 

3. Medical marijuana for mental disorders 

Anxiety, stress, and depression are known for being tough. That is so true, especially when it comes to the usage of pharmaceutical drugs, but the symptoms won't disappear. 

Medical marijuana assists in combatting these pain points. Its bond with the cannabinoid receptors strikes a balance between serotonin levels and the severity of the problems. 

  1. Treatment for epilepsy 

The Food and Drug Administration legalized the usage of Epidiolex as a measure to treat two different types of rare epilepsy. 

The drugs harbor CBD, making it an effective solution for treating Lennox-Gastaut and Dravet Syndromes. 

The presence of Cannabidiol in then drug means that the user won't get high. Under most circumstances, the aforementioned epileptic conditions disturb children. 

CBD in Epidiolex reportedly lowers seizures, rendering it as an effective solution. 

How to take medical marijuana 

Taking medical marijuana doesn't have to get complicated. The first step is getting in touch with a healthcare professional. 

Some doctors may be reluctant to allow you to use medical marijuana if your pain point doesn't qualify for its usage. 

Depending on your taste, you can opt to:

  • Vaporize

  • Smoke

  • Take as an edible

  • Apply topically on the skin

  • Immerse it beneath the tongue. 

The method you use to take medical marijuana determines if it reaches the body faster or slowly. For example, smoking or vaporizing it gives rapid results. Using it in the form of oil may take relatively longer since oil takes quite some time to get digested. 

Many healthcare professionals do not recommend smoking medical cannabis. Most of them lay their basis of argument on the presence of carcinogens on smoked marijuana seen to be entering the lungs.

Secondly, it is relatively hard in knowing the contents in a puff of medical grass. The patient can end up smoking over-potent weed. 

Safety concerns

However much there is quite a high number of conducted researches surrounding the usage of medical marijuana; there are some safety concerns worth raising one's curiosity. 

Heart risks

If one has a healthy heart, medical marijuana consumption can seldom exhibit any heart-related issues. In fact, it helps in enhancing the functionality of a healthy heart and reducing hypertension levels. 

A peril can, however, occur when one already has a heart problem and starts taking medical marijuana. A study published in Forensic Science International shows that there were instances of death arising from marijuana-intoxication.

The conclusion was that those with healthy hearts could use medical marijuana. However, those without got advised to shun away from the product since it can cause several temporary mishaps on the cardiovascular system. 

Driving safety concerns 

Medical marijuana is a drug. Any drug, when taken, it alters how the body functions. One can't compare medic al marijuana with alcohol.

However, as one drives, they may get some mind-boggling effects when they overdose the product. That said, it is far much better to drive when sober as opposed to when one is under the influence of a drug. 

Bottom Line

Medical marijuana is a primal compound for most users. However, the effects kick in awesomely depending on the strains from which it comes from.

If you are looking for seeds that give highly-potent medical marijuana, you can't be wrong when you contact us. We will take care of sending over the medical marijuana seeds to your convenient place. 


How do Cannabis and CBD Businesses find a Merchant Account they can rely on?

One of the things that makes it difficult for any cannabis or CBD business to function is the lack of banking support. A solid merchant account is something that all businesses need, whatever the industry, but in the cannabis space finding one is a real challenge. Even though the 2018 Farm Bill made it legal to cultivate hemp on a federal level, and even though most states have legalized the cultivation and sales of cannabis and cannabis products to varying degrees, cannabis and CBD businesses are still having a hard time with banks and credit card companies. It makes the running of a legal, professional business difficult, if not impossible, which is why merchant account service providers, like InclusivePay, have come to the rescue.

The post How do Cannabis and CBD Businesses find a Merchant Account they can rely on? appeared first on Cannabis Marketing Agency in California | CannaVerse Solutions.

How Do Millennials Deal With Marijuana?

Just like older generations, the millennial generation has also experienced many changes. Activism in the field of marijuana has led to legalization taking on ever-larger forms. Cannabis laws are being amended in all sorts of areas. The history of marijuana has always been very moving and dynamic with all sorts of new twists and turns, but the biggest breakthroughs in legalization can be attributed to the millennial generation. Millennials are known for not having any stigma against the use of cannabis and legalization. And by the way, many of them work in the cannabis industry and fulfill jobs ranging from dispensary employee, researcher, cultivator, marketing specialist, and cannapreneur.

Who are the millennials?

Millennials or Generation Y follow Generation X. It is the people who became adults around the turn of the century. However, there is no precise definition. Millennials grew up in a world that was always online and on-demand. They have always had the internet. There has not been a generation so far that has received so much marketing attention. They are also involved with social networks and are also characterized by a great deal of self-assurance, partly because they have always been told to pursue their dreams. Although this generation is likely to be worse off economically than their parents, millennials are very positive. They have a very liberal attitude and are positive about differences.

Weed versus alcohol

Millennials often see cannabis as a better alternative than alcohol. This is not surprising, and they are not the only generation that thinks alike. But regarding the "purchasing power" of Generation Y, this is an important development for companies and businesses. More than half of all millennials find alcohol more harmful and dangerous than marijuana. Traditionally, men use weed more often than women, and this is also the case among millennials. But among millennials, there are a lot of women who work in the cannabis industry. They grew up with the idea that the cannabis industry is a very interesting industry with many possibilities. More and more women who belong to Generation Y start a career in cannabis and are innovative in the field of cannabis lifestyle.

Effects on health

Smoking weed, as well as drinking alcohol, have negative effects on the body. Both in the short term and in the long term, it can affect health. Alcohol is known to cause many casualties, often with fatal consequences. But what about (excessive) cannabis use? Research into the effect of marijuana is still in its infancy. Certainly, if you compare it with the extensive studies that have been done in the field of human health and the use of alcohol. What do the millennials think about this? Millennials are of the opinion that alcohol can cause more damage than cannabis. This is a striking change in opinion on this subject, compared to previous generations.


Millennials and marijuana use

Millennials make up a large amount of the total group of people who use marijuana in a recreational way. More than half of all users are between 22 and 35 years old. The annual amount spent on cannabis and cannabis products and accessories is over 500 euro per year per user. Regarding millennials and medical marijuana, there are still a lot of questions waiting for an answer. It is not exactly clear why millennials use medical marijuana. Neither has good research been done on this subject. The use of cannabis for medicinal purposes appears to be no problem for the millennials. The acceptance is actually already there, but the legislation is not.

Millennials and legalization

Most millennials believe that cannabis should be fully legalized and think that this is also only a matter of time. Millennials believe that the cannabis world will be globally reformed within 5 to 10 years. We can also expect millennials to actively engage in legalization and they will certainly make their voice heard in this area.

Do you have any comments or additions? Leave them in the comment box below!

New York Turbo Diesel is a marijuana strain that is very popular among millennials.

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Awesome Cannabis Web Design – 420 website breakdown

Cannabis web design is booming. 420 entrepreneurs are creative, fun, smart and know how to use branding to build awesome websites. Let's take a look at some great examples.

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