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Tag: real estate

Why You Can’t Get Serious About Productivity Unless You Optimize How Your People Use Your Space

I fund startups for a living and before that I ran two software startups that I founded. I’ve spent countless hours looking at...

Barclays, RBS Join 40-Strong R3 Blockchain Real Estate Trial | Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

This article was originally posted on Cointelegraph - an independent publication covering cryptocurrency, the blockchain, decentralized applications, the internet of finance and the...

Barclays, RBS Join 40-Strong R3 Blockchain Real Estate Trial

Two major United Kingdom banks — Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) — have joined a trial using blockchain to streamline real...

US Blockchain Firm Partners with Sustainable Construction Firm to Design Data Centers

United States-based Blockchain Holdings Capital Ventures (BHCV) has partnered with SG Blocks, which uses cargo shipping containers in construction to develop its multi-container...

How to get into property development with joint venture investing

Some successful and highly wealthy individuals are often property developers. US President Donald Trump is one obvious example, if not everybody’s role model, but...

10 Questions every Money Transfer Business should ask themselves?

I did a presentation on this long ago (The original presentation can be downloaded from here: Uberization of Money Transfer: 12 Questions every small...

Introducing “GO FIND XR” – The Earth’s Digital Estate on Blockchain

Various innovations are changing the way humanity lives and interacts with everything on this planet, promoting efficiency and simplifying the way things are...

This Crypto Spiked 60% Withinin Minutes of Featuring on HTC’s Blockchain Smartphone

Advertisement Following a high-profile strategic partnership with HTC, the largest mobile phone manufacturer based in Taiwan, the price of a virtual reality-focused crypto...

HYBSE, GMEX and MINDEX collaborate to list the world’s first Multi-Asset Stable Token in Mauritius

Asset backed by ownership in the founding companies and stable assets primarily Gold Mauritius, London 21 February 2019.  Following the recent joint venture launch...

Aragon Agent and the future of DAOs

Enabling organizations to interact on the decentralized web early design mockup for the Agent app This week Aragon One announced the release...

Ohio County Auditors to Explore Blockchain-Based Real Estate System | Bitfolio

<img src="The">https://images.cointelegraph.com/images/528_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWd… County Auditors’ Association of Ohio has announced the formation of a working group to study the use of blockchain for the...

Top Blockchain Conferences & Events in 2019

There are many in the crypto community who believe 2019 is going to be the most exciting year ever for blockchain, and for...

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