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Tag: raises

The Right Way to do Patch Management

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt has been established without a doubt that patch management is very important. Now the question is, how to do...

Security has to start and end with trust.

Reading Time: 1 minuteWhen you use a company’s security solution, you are placing your reputation in their hands, and you must trust their...

Comodo Dome Shield: New Release Helps Managed Service Providers (MSPs) Grow Their Businesses and Drive Profit

Reading Time: 2 minutesComodo has just released a new version of Comodo Dome Shield that significantly raises the bar for Managed Service Providers...

Post Office Data Breach Raises Many Questions

Reading Time: 2 minutesThese are troubled times for the US Postal Service, due to the threat that email and electronic communication has posed...

Senate Report Exposes Dangers of Online Advertising and Malvertising

Reading Time: 2 minutesImproving privacy and security while browsing has been a major objective for Comodo in recent product releases and enhancements, and...

HVAC Connection to Target Data Breach “Chilling”

Reading Time: 1 minuteCould a breach at a HVAC company specializing in supermarket refrigeration have led to the Target Data breach? Apparently so,...

ZeuS Banking Trojan Is Back, Now in 64 Bit

Reading Time: 2 minutesIt’s often said “What’s old is new again”. The well-known ZeuS banking trojan is back again, but this time it...

Adobe Breach Led Anonymous To Spy on FBI

Reading Time: 2 minutes It seems the government is great at collecting data but not very good at protecting it. The FBI recently reported that...

Hand of the Thief Trojan: Can it Pick Your Pocket?

Reading Time: 2 minutesCriminals use the latest to technology for a very old-fashioned reason, to steal folk’s money. If they can obtain your...

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