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Tag: purpose

The power of Azulle’s Elite: Unleashing 4G capabilities for business solutions | IoT Now News & Reports

Customisable mini PCs are becoming increasingly prominent among enterprises across a wide range of industries, such as IoT, digital signage, telemedicine and much more....

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Georgian Airways adds its first wide body airliner

Georgian Airways made this announcement about leasing a Boeing 767-300 (4L-GTR), its first wode body aircraft: In the history of Georgian aviation, the first passenger...

How to teach active listening and communication skills to students

Why is active listening in the classroom important? Pedagogically speaking, active listening is listening with a purpose. Active listening is foundational to strong communication skills...

Data Modeling and Data Models: Not Just for Database Design – DATAVERSITY

“The main purpose of a data model is actually not to design a database – it’s to describe a business,” said Christopher Bradley, information...

Why Should Logistics Businesses Pay Attention to LOLER? – Supply Chain Game Changer™

LOLER is an integral part of keeping employees safe in the workplace. As a key component of the UK government’s Health and Safety at...

23 Best Email Newsletter Templates and 12 Resources to Use Right Now

There’s no end to the number of newsletters you can subscribe to. Email marketers have a lot to compete with in their subscribers’ inboxes. If...

SEC concerns over USDC may complicate Circle’s IPO plans – Barron’s

The US SEC has raised concerns over the status of Circle’s stablecoin, USDC, as the company seeks to go public in a multi-billion dollar...

Congress wants to restore nukes on conventional B-52 bombers

Congress is laying the groundwork to restore nuclear weapon capabilities on roughly 30 B-52H Stratofortress bombers that had been converted to drop only conventional...

Introducing DIG Plates Fundraiser: A Delicious Way to Support Your Cause – GroupRaise

A DIG Plates fundraiser is more than just a way to raise funds; they offer an exceptional connection between delicious, wholesome meals and your...

The  J-20 Challenge: Can India Bridge the Fighter Jet Gap With China?

Recent developments have highlighted a growing strategic concern for India as China has deployed its Chengdu J-20, a fifth-generation twin-engine stealth fighter, in Shigatse,...

​​Parody Under Fire: The Misuse of Ex-Parte Injunctions in Trademark Law to Curb Satire?

On the recent Delhi High Court ex-parte injunction in favor of journalist Rajat Sharma against satirist Ravindra Kumar Choudhary, we are pleased to bring...

Top FAQs on Data Privacy

What is Data Privacy? Data privacy is a branch of data security that governs how organizations collect, manage, handle, and process consumer data. It protects internet...

Emojis Control the Malware in Discord Spy Campaign

An advanced persistent threat (APT) from Pakistan is using an old Linux bug and cheeky Discord-based malware to perform cyber espionage against Indian government...

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