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Tag: Public Interest

Professor Gensler Gets an F on Crypto


Crypto insiders lauded Gary Gensler’s nomination to chair the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last February. They thought the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor who had taught blockchain classes would bring an enlightened approach to crypto compared with the scattershot, perplexed style of his predecessor, Jay Clayton. But a year in, the professor gets an…

The post Professor Gensler Gets an F on Crypto appeared first on Bitcoin News Miner.

Recap 2021- Indian Patent Case Laws

In this post, we bring to you few Patent Cases decided by Indian Courts in the year 2021 Merck Sharp And Dohme Corp & ANR vs YMS Laboratories Private Limited In this case, the plaintiff, owner of patents pertaining to Sitagliptin and its derivative salts, filed an infringement suit against the defendant. The plaintiff prayed for an Ad Interim Injunction during the pendency of the suit. After reviewing the facts presented, the Court granted an Exparte Ad Interim Injunction as…

The post Recap 2021- Indian Patent Case Laws appeared first on BananaIP Counsels.

SEC Rejects First Trust Advisors and SkyBridge Bitcoin ETF

The rejection is the latest blow to "true" Bitcoin ETF hopefuls.

QANTAS International seeks termination of crew agreement to resolve critical rostering challenge

QANTAS Airways has made this announcement: Qantas International has applied to the Fair Work Commission to terminate its Long Haul Cabin Crew agreement as a last resort to change restrictive and outdated rostering processes. There are no job losses associated with the proposed termination. This is the first time in Qantas’ history that it has […]

Delhi High Court grants interim injunction to Novartis against Natco’s use of Revolade patent 

The Delhi High Court recently granted an interlocutory injunction to Novartis against Natco’s use of Eltrombopag Olamine (EO). The debate at the crux of the dispute is, or rather was, the dichotomy between deference to the validity of a granted patent vis-a-vis the challenge to its validity and consequently disregarding the exclusivity granted to it, in litigation. The court in the present matter seemed to have sided with the former and placed the ‘presumption’ of validity of a patent at...

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