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Tag: public blockchain

Bitcoin SV Review: Complete Beginners Guide to BSV

Bitcoin SV is one of the more controversial coins in the cryptocurrency space. Despite this, the intense interest in BSV has seen extensive...

Microsoft Partners with Enjin to Launch Azure Heroes | CoinBeat

Microsoft, the biggest tech cooperation, has entered the crypto space via the current leading blockchain gaming project. Microsoft, in partnership with Enjin, one of...

Kindhumans Ethical Store Accepts Crypto: Why This Matters

When mass adoption? That’s the question on the minds of so many crypto fans. The short answer is that nobody knows ‘if’ or...

Polymath Review: The Blockchain For Financial Securities

Security tokens seem to be all the rage now. From exchanges to regulations and issuance platforms. One such project looking to capitalise on...

Holochain Review: DLT Trying to Make Blockchains Obsolete

Holochain is a project that many say is set to change the way we think about Distributed Ledger Technology. As a result, interest...

Ethereum (ETH) Devs Quietly Planning Major Upgrades Around June 2019

Ethereum (ETH) Network Divided Over Mining Changes Ahead of 'Constantinople' Hardfork
Ethereum could see a number of changes in the coming year, after revelations that senior developers have held quite discussions on undisclosed upgrade. Implemented, the changes are expected to significantly improve the platform’s performance, ostensibly earmarked for release by June 2019. The changes are attributed to four meetings held in private during Devcon4 in October, […]

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