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Tag: productivity

E-Mail Spam Filtering Service For Your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Best Spam Filtering Service Naturally, website owners and system administrators ponder on many factors that make a spam filter exceptional...

Best Anti-spam Filter for your Business

Reading Time: 2 minutesSpam emails have never been a hindrance to businesses those days. However, the cyber thieves are now implementing sophisticated threats...

Huawei MediaPad M5 And M5 Pro Now in Malaysia, Tablets For Gaming And Productivity

Huawei Malaysia has launched a new device in Malaysia and it’s a tablet. It may seem odd to see new Android tablets, and...

How Anti-spam Solution Help Your Business

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs spam continues to evolve, conventional on-premise anti-spam solutions are failing to keep up with the ever-evolving spam issue. These...

Anti-spam Software and its Applications

Reading Time: 3 minutesSpamming refers to sending unsolicited messages through electronic messaging systems. Besides consuming the corporate email bandwidth, unwanted or unsolicited emails...

151 – MasterMind Sessions: Time Management with Comic Writer and Novelist Will Allred

In this mastermind style session of the ComixLaunch podcast, a panel of creators help writer Will Allred navigate time management issues so that...

Exclusive: Designing Single-handed Shortcuts for VR & AR

For new computing technologies to realize their full potential they need new user interfaces. The most essential interactions in virtual spaces...

How Comodo Advanced Threat Protection Works?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Cyber threats are evolving at an exponential rate and are becoming more challenging to control. Wide-ranging security vulnerabilities, faster and...

The Importance of Data Integration

How does integration help us? With today’s technology, merging data into one platform allows for immediate decisions, the ability to anticipate buying trends and...

Vive China President Shares 16 Lessons for a VR-First Future From ‘Ready Player One’

Virtual reality (VR) has been a hot topic in the media and the tech sector for the last couple of years,...

Data is King, and middleware might be your knight in shining armor.

Marketing and Sales  ...function around data, without it, nothing gets accomplished. To create a marketing campaign, you need data about your target market, prospects...

ITSM – The best cost effective solution for Better Service

Reading Time: 3 minutes A Gartner study reads, “By 2019, IT service desks utilizing machine learning enhanced technologies will free up to 30% of...

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