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Tag: Production

How to Update Your Best Practices as an Experienced Developer

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CameraX: Make photography easier on Android!

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The innovation business

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Avoid a cotton mouth

Smoking weed is a fantastic experience that can be different every time. But an annoying side effect is that you can get a sore throat and a dry mouth. This is called a cottonmouth. The warm smoke that you inhale can irritate your airways, throat, and palate. These are all annoying effects that can ruin a very nice experience. And smoking should be fun, right? That's why we have some tips to prevent a sore throat, or if you already have a sore throat, to reduce it. Read on and discover why the effect of a dry mouth occurs, how to avoid a cottonmouth and what you can do to get some relief.

Sore, dry throat from smoking weed

sore throat

Smoking pot is an awesome experience, but the side effects are usually not that nice. Cannabis can give quite a few side effects, which are usually not that bad and serious, but that can be very annoying. The side effects can make a pleasant smoke experience a lot less pleasant. The effect on your lungs has the most impact of all negative side effects. But suppose weed was legalized, much more research would be done and the search for possible solutions would go much faster. Many more and much more extensive studies would be done on the negative side effects.

In this article, we focus on the cottonmouth phenomenon. A cottonmouth is an effect that your throat feels irritated and dry after smoking weed. The cottonmouth is one of the most common negative side effects of pot smoking. Almost all people who smoke get a cottonmouth. But what is the cause of this? And what can you do to soothe your throat?

Side effects of smoking cannabis

You can avoid a dry, cotton mouth by drinking plenty of water. Not only during smoking but also before smoking cannabis. It is very important to drink enough water, so your body does not dry out. There are even more ways to soothe your throat. Tea with honey works for many people, and Chamomile tea is also very soothing. You can also buy sweets with soothing properties. It is also important to keep your mouth clean and brush your teeth daily so that smoke residues do not remain in your mouth.

Sometimes it's not just a cottonmouth, but you also have to cough when you smoke weed. This is caused by the throat being irritated. The main reason for this is that you inhale hot smoke and your airways dry out. The weed smoke affects the entire trajectory, from your mouth to your airways and your bronchi. In addition, the production of saliva is slowed down. Chewing gum or taking a mint can help in such a case. Try these tips because it would be a shame if your amazing smoking experience were ruined by a cottonmouth or other side effects. Happy toking!

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Our smooth Mangolicious strain is very gentle for your throat.

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