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Tag: Production

Digital Asset Daily: Fear turns to panic

with Mati Greenspan If on Friday we were talking about fear, by Monday morning the markets are feeling an all out panic.  President Trump, along...

Body Horror Comics & Film Projects with The Empties’ Kristen Renee Gorlitz

Kristen Renee Gorlitz, film and comics writer, and creator of The Empties stops by the ComixLaunch Podcast to talk about the process of...

75 Zsh Commands, Plugins, Aliases and Tools

I spend a lot of my day in the terminal, and my shell of choice is Zsh — a highly customizable Unix shell...

Chinese Aviation Cities: the Obvious, the Unexpected, and the Discrepant

In this blog post, China Aerospace Blog revisits the “What is the Chinese Aviation Industry Like?” article, which dates back to July 2018. While the former was essentially based on the China Civil Aviation Industry Report 2017 by MIIT, this blog post is built on a different set of data detailed below. The focus is also different: we single out the main aeronautical cities in …

Power Ledger (POWR): Decentralised P2P Energy Trading

Power Ledger (POWR) is a project that has seen quite a bit of interest lately. This has resulted in increased demand and trading...

8 More Ruby on Rails Interview Questions and Answers

Are you interviewing for a frontend developer or Ruby on Rails engineer position? In addition to these 11 questions, here are eight more...

Build a Simple Beginner App with Node, Bootstrap and MongoDB

If you’re just getting started with Node.js and want to try your hand at building a web app, things can often get a...

Xilinx Champions AI at ISE 2020

Each February, Amsterdam hosts the largest AV and systems integration showcase in the world - Integrated Systems Europe (ISE). Here, the global AV...

Cosmos Network Review: ATOM & The Internet of Blockchains

One of the hottest projects and coins in early 2019 was Cosmos and its ATOM token. The initial surge began in 2019 when...

Cannabis Industry Worker Avatar

Finally, Get Clear On WHO Is Training! It’s a huge mistake. And yet, I see it happen all the time. A cannabis industry professional or business owner gets so focused on WHAT they’re training on that they forget to think about WHO they’re teaching it to. This is the kiss of death for any training

The post Cannabis Industry Worker Avatar appeared first on Green CulturED.

An Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is a cross-platform, open-source, NoSQL database, used by many modern Node-based web applications to persist data.In this beginner-friendly tutorial, I’ll demonstrate how...

Forms, File Uploads and Security with Node.js and Express

If you’re building a web application, you’re likely to encounter the need to build HTML forms on day one. They’re a big part...

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