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Tag: Procurement

Are you a Game Changer? Tell us your Story!

Every day there are individuals and teams all around the world who are making a difference.  They are driving transformational change in their jobs,...

The History of Supply Chain Management! (Infographic)

Over the last 100 plus years of the history of SCM (Supply Chain Management) has evolved from an initial focus on improving relatively simple,...

5 Ways Businesses Are Uncovering Success With AI In Manufacturing

Automation is at the center of modern manufacturing businesses, with companies exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence in improving workflows and profitability. AI technology is...

More Procurement skills for knowledge of Supply Chains

Changing skills in Supply Chains The disruptions to supply chains over the early 2020s has provided a likely foretaste of the future. New terms,...

[Video] The Unintended Consequences of Inconsistent Freight Procurement

There are a lot of words associated with supply chain management, like agility, responsiveness, and flexibility. There’s one you don’t hear very often, but...

Ask Not What Will Happen In the Transportation Market Next Year

What do you think is going to happen in the transportation market next year? I get asked that question a lot this time of the...

Our 2017 Top 10 List! – Part 2

It’s been a tremendous first year at  supplychaingamechanger.com.  Our goal has always been to share experiences and expertise.  And in the second half of...

What is Blockchain? And How Does it Work? (Infographic)

Blockchain! What is all the fuss about?  It’s a word that was rarely used or even heard of in Supply Chain not that long ago....

The Future of the Chief Procurement Officer … Is Already Here!

Kodiak Rating’s CTO was recently in attendance at a Chief Procurement Officer and Procurement Leaders event held in London, titled DITx — Data Intelligence and Tech Forum. As written...

Why is Supply Chain Such a Great Career Path?

When I started my career the term “Supply Chain” had just been coined. As such it was many years before I actually heard...

[Video] Why Benchmarking is the First Step to a Successful Freight Procurement Event

How do you best determine how long and how often to have transportation sourcing events? It’s a question many shippers are asking today as...

Data-Driven Decision Making: Autonomous Procurement

How can companies unlock new value in transportation management? By becoming more data driven in their decision making. That is the focus of a multi-part...

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