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Tag: processors

What is IoT (Internet of Things)? | Definition from TechTarget

What is the internet of things (IoT)? The internet of things, or IoT, is a network of interrelated devices that connect and exchange data with...

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CHERI Alliance Aims to Secure Hardware Memory

A new chip security consortium called CHERI Alliance is focused on protecting data stored in hardware memory from cyberattackers.The alliance backs a protection model...

Quantum News Briefs June 20: PQ Shield raises $37M in Series B funding •Germany launches its first hybrid quantum computer at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre...

By Sandra Helsel posted 20 Jun 2024 News Briefs: PQ Shield raises $37M in Series B funding  PQShield, a cybersecurity...

Generative AI in Payments: 4 Use Cases to Increase Revenue and Optimise Costs – Fintech Singapore

by Jean-Philippe Wolyniec, Director of Business Development, OpenWay June 20, 2024 Will Generative AI in payments accelerate financial institutions on their path to increased revenue and...

Build multimodal search with Amazon OpenSearch Service | Amazon Web Services

Multimodal search enables both text and image search capabilities, transforming how users access data through search applications. Consider building an online fashion retail store:...

Intel denies root cause for CPU instability, still investigating

Intel denies root cause for CPU instability, still investigating | PCWorld Skip to content <!-- --> Image: Adam Patrick Murray / Foundry Intel has denied a recent...

Intel found a bug in its high-end CPU microcode is ‘potentially contributing to instability’ though ‘is not the root cause’ of those long-reported game...

It's been months since the first reports of Intel's Core i9 processors being unstable in Unreal Engine games, but a small step toward a...

IC Industry’s Growing Role In Sustainability

The massive power needs of AI systems are putting a spotlight on sustainability in the semiconductor ecosystem. The chip industry needs to be able...

Huge fault-tolerant quantum computers on the agenda at Commercialising Quantum 2024 conference – Physics World

<a href="https://zephyrnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/huge-fault-tolerant-quantum-computers-on-the-agenda-at-commercialising-quantum-2024-conference-physics-world-2.jpg" data-fancybox data-src="https://zephyrnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/huge-fault-tolerant-quantum-computers-on-the-agenda-at-commercialising-quantum-2024-conference-physics-world-2.jpg" data-caption="Quantum factories millions of qubits will soon be connected to create fault-tolerant quantum computers, said conference speakers. (Courtesy: iStock/Olemedia)"> On...

The Growing Interest in On-Prem Quantum Computing – High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC

By Yuval Boger, Chief Commercial Officer, QuEra ComputingIn the rapidly evolving HPC landscape, the promise of quantum computing captivates researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers alike....

Broadcom is having its own Nvidia moment as shares rise 20% on week

Broadcom could be the next company to join the trillion dollar club. Wednesday’s earnings release showed another beat-and-raise announcement that has become commonplace. Markets consolidate on...

Qualcomm ‘won’t ever be done’ optimizing PC games for Snapdragon

Qualcomm 'won't ever be done' optimizing PC games for Snapdragon | PCWorld Skip to content <!-- --> Image: Mark Hachman / IDG One of the outstanding questions...

Systems and Applications Challenges for the Emerging Bazaar of Accelerators Report Release » CCC Blog

The CCC held the Systems and Applications Challenges for the Emerging Bazaar of Accelerators workshop in August of 2023 in Washington, DC. The workshop...

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