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Tag: principles

The Secret to Esports Co-Branding

This article outlines key principles of effective co-branding in esports and gaming. A partnership between Mars Wrigley’s Skittles and Gamma Labs’ G FUEL energy drink is proposed to demonstrate how non-endemic companies can build business, boost awareness, and break into the worldwide gaming market. Here is what you should know:  Consumer brands popular among gamers […]

The post The Secret to Esports Co-Branding appeared first on Esports Group.

Understanding the Value of Design Systems for Building Complex Applications

As a team of designers, do you find yourselves building similar things over and over again from scratch? Do you come across situations where you are part of a product rebuilding exercise to address concerns Read more

The post Understanding the Value of Design Systems for Building Complex Applications appeared first on ixBlog.

Five open banking trends that are paving the way for a new financial experience

Let's take a look at how the landscape for open banking and fintech is evolving.


Introduction: With the advent of the FinTech revolution, technology and innovation have taken centre stage throughout the globe. Every business alike, ranging from multi-national companies [...]

How Programing Advertising Works and Its Advantages.

Programmatic advertising automatizes the targeting process for advertising purchases which makes the processes of campaign setup and launch significantly faster. Artificial intelligence chooses the...

What is a Ranch Style House? All About the Rambler

The Ranch style house is a versatile and popular home style for a variety of homebuyers. Find out what characteristics make ranch homes so desirable and easy to maintain.

The post What is a Ranch Style House? All About the Rambler appeared first on Redfin | Real Estate Tips for Home Buying, Selling & More.

Testimonials and Case Studies: How to Use Customer Satisfaction as Your Greatest Marketing Asset

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m considering making a significant purchase, the first thing I do is head to the review section.Whether it’s novelty curtains or writing software, I always want to know what my peers think about a product first. Their opinions are the ones I place the most weight in - […]

The post Testimonials and Case Studies: How to Use Customer Satisfaction as Your Greatest Marketing Asset appeared first on Baremetrics.

How to Use the Shopify CLI to Build Shopify Apps

Shopify’s CLI (Command Line Interface) is one of the best tools for building Shopify apps. Shopify CLI helps Shopify Partners perform a number of important app-building tasks. This includes generating Node.js, PHP, and Ruby on Rails apps, as well developing app extensions, themes, and Shopify Scripts (currently in beta).Shopify CLI also automates a number of these […]

The post How to Use the Shopify CLI to Build Shopify Apps appeared first on Baremetrics.

Hacking Esports and Gaming with Brand Activations

This article outlines the neuroscience behind effective activations that inspire customer action(s) and/or loyalty in the gaming community. Here is what you should know:  The estimated 474 million esports fans are a subset of 2.9 billion people who spent an estimated $175.8 billion on games in 2021.  Effective activations ‘hack’ cognitive processes in the brain to influence positive customer actions.  AT&T and Wasserman executed a branded experience on Twitch that demonstrates the key pillars and rules […]

The post Hacking Esports and Gaming with Brand Activations appeared first on Esports Group.

Esports and Gambling – Tips for Beginners

It is obvious that eSports betting is on the rise and expected to reach soaring figures by the end of 2020. In 2016...

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