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Tag: principles

The 5 Most Powerful Techniques to Improve Employee Engagement

Source Companies all over the world are starting to value the level of engagement and commitment of their workforce. In order to survive the challenges of...

Salesforce’s AI Economist research wants to explore the equilibrium between equality and productivity

Zheng noted that the research considered many different spatial layouts and distributions of resources, as well as agents with different...

New generation memory chips promise to cut energy use

June 2022 By Catherine Jewell, Information and Digital Outreach Division, WIPO, Yuka Okakita and Tomomi Taguchi, WIPO Japan Office Semiconductors, “the brains of modern electronics,” without...

IP and youth: educating our future innovators

June 2022 By Cecilia Thirlway, researcher, writer and lecturer at Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Today’s young people face a complex...

Aristocrat’s EGM Inventions Set for Showdown in the High Court

On 10 March 2022, the High Court of Australia granted Aristocrat’s application for special leave to appeal the decision of a Full Bench of...

Delivering industrial decarbonisation on a gigatonne scale

Today, Carbon Clean is announcing the largest ever funding round for a carbon capture at source business.  When Prateek and I founded the business 13...

Color Theory: Everything You Need to Know about Color Themes

Colors influence consumers’ shopping experiences, from what they purchase to how much they spend. Read on to understand the basics of color theory and how different colors affect potential consumers.

The post Color Theory: Everything You Need to Know about Color Themes first appeared on Ecwid | E-Commerce Shopping Cart.

What a Math Party Game Tells Us About Graph Theory

Play this simple math game with your friends to gain insights into fundamental principles of graph theory.

The post What a Math Party Game Tells Us About Graph Theory first appeared on Quanta Magazine

Nanophotonic patterns make scintillators shine brighter

Large increase in light output could lead to better medical imaging

The post Nanophotonic patterns make scintillators shine brighter appeared first on Physics World.

Alaska Air Group provides update on long-term growth strategy

Alaska Air Group Inc. , the parent company of Alaska Airlines Inc. and Horizon Air Industries Inc., today will host its Investor Day at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time. During the event, Alaska Air Group will provide an update on its business performance and growth strategy, including successful pandemic recovery, industry outperformance in guest experience and […]

Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow (S2F) Model: What You Need to Know

Bitcoin's stock-to-flow (S2F) model is undoubtedly one of the most popular discussion points for the community. In this guide, we go in-depth to find out everything there is to know about it.

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