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Staff retention, issues managing different channels and legacy tech put warehouse operations in the spotlight

Manhattan Associates has announced the findings of its 2024 ‘State of Warehouse Operations’ research in association with Vanson Bourne, highlighting the current challenges and...

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IPTV Operator Who Was Sentenced For One Week of Piracy is Less Lucky at Court of Appeal

Referred to in legal papers as simply J.E., the defendant was targeted in Sweden by local anti-piracy group Rattighetsalliansen (Rights Alliance) on behalf of...

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Seeks Rescheduling Delay

WASHINGTON – A group that seeks to “protect the public from marijuana commercialization” has asked the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Administration...

The World is Keen to Go Green: Transforming the Automotive Landscape with Electric Vehicles

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) marks a significant shift in the automotive industry, driven by ambitious governmental targets and consumer incentives aimed at...

SNMMI ‘Image of the Year’ visualizes the brain as never before – Physics World

<a data-fancybox data-src="https://zephyrnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/snmmi-image-of-the-year-visualizes-the-brain-as-never-before-physics-world.jpg" data-caption="Ultrahigh-resolution images A series of PET images recorded by the ultrahigh-performance NeuroEXPLORER brain PET scanner was chosen by the Society of...

MBDA unveils AI-based Ground Warden tool for finding hidden targets

PARIS — The missile manufacturer MBDA has unveiled an artificial intelligence-based capability to allow military forces to see hidden targets in challenging combat environments.The...

A novel approach for detecting a particular biomolecule associated with several diseases

Jun 13, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Researchers at Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University report in Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X ("A novel aptamer-antibody sandwich electrochemical...

Aliens Could Be ‘Walking Among Us’, Harvard Researchers Say – Decrypt

A new research paper from a team at Harvard University and the University of Montana suggests that aliens have likely visited Earth—and could still...

FSB’s Strategic Alliance with OctoBet: Elevating UK Market Presence

In a strategic move aimed at further establishing its dominance in the UK betting landscape, FSB, a globally renowned sportsbook supplier, announces its partnership...

Change Management Skills for Data Leaders – DATAVERSITY

Change management skills have never been more crucial, given the ever-evolving business landscape. At the heart of effective leadership lies the ability to navigate...

TL Team Map Contest #4 – Presented by Monster Energy

The Team Liquid Map Contest is back for its first content of 2024!This time, we're taking an approach that's both old and new by...

Financial Services, the golden target for cybercriminals

Financial services is one of the most regulated and well-resourced sectors when it comes to cybersecurity. Yet it’s also one of the biggest targets...

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