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Tag: population

Digital Sanitation for Tech Savvy India Is The New Need Of The Hour

Among other things, schools teach children the adage “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” and a few accompanying rhymes and limericks. However, the...

Is Your Company’s Data Being Sold on the Dark Web?

Reading Time: 3 minutesLearn how Comodo can help you for free if any of your information is already for sale on the Dark...

Smart Cities – Putting Things in Context

Many metropolitans worldwide are going smart, with the purpose of making life easier for both the municipality (and its employees) and the residents....

How Unbabel’s “Translation as a Service” will translate everything to human quality

In a $38 billion-a-year market for translation and localization services, the largest player is a military contractor that makes $730 million a year....

Announcing DeepMind Health research partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital

Diabetes is on the rise. It’s estimated that 1 in 11 of the world’s adult population are affected. It’s also the leading cause...

Let’s talk about protection: enhancing childhood vaccination uptake

Unprotected and under-protected populations Recent studies have identified a range of characteristics for those who are not getting vaccinated or are not getting all...

FROM THE COMODO LABS: And the State that Sends the Most Email Spam Is …

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt might come as a surprise to learn that Utah – with its beautiful terrain and picturesque views – could...

5 Steps To Get Started With International SEO

At this point, we all know how perilous it can be to ignore international markets, no matter what country you’re based it. While...

Are the FIGS dead?

As people in the language business know, FIGS stands for French, Italian, German, Spanish, long considered “The Big 4” when it comes to...

Growing old, gracefully: senior citizens in the workplace

For Eiji and Kumiko Ishikawa, the working day starts as early as 5 a.m. Having loaded the requisite equipment into their van, they...

The State Of The Chinese Internet: How To Expand Into China Without Making A Fool Of Yourself

So, you want to expand into China? Awesome! China has a huge market and the economy is growing at a crazy rate, making...

A World That Speaks The Same Language

There are approximately 7.5 billion people on the third rock from the Sun. That’s 7,500,000,000 individual names, 15,000,000,000 ears, and 150,000,000,000 phalanges (give...

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