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Skeptics Release Browser Plugin To Automatically Block NFT Profiles On Twitter

Twitter’s launch of verified NFT profiles has further heated up the dispute between proponents and critics of digital art. Plugin developer calls NFTs an “investment scam” In the last week, Twitter released a new feature that lets NFT owners automatically verify their ownership of the digital art piece when they use the NFT as their […]

The post Skeptics Release Browser Plugin To Automatically Block NFT Profiles On Twitter appeared first on CryptoCoin.News.

The Creator Of Final Fantasy Has Started His Own Clothing Line In FFXIV

Even though series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi hasn't worked on a Final Fantasy game in almost two decades, the game developer has recently been getting into MMO Final Fantasy XIV, and chronicling his adventures on Twitter. In his latest posts, Sakaguchi has started posting about his clothing label "sakaGUCCI," under which he's selling handmade clothing on the in-game marketplace.

While the Final Fantasy MMO doesn't let players custom design clothing, items bought from another player will retain the creator's name, meaning anything Sakaguchi crafts will essentially carry his signature on it. Due to the developer's long association with the franchise, "sakaGUCCI" clothing could have the potential to become collector's items within the game.

Sakaguchi has already sold a number of "collections" under the pun-inspired label, and has posted a number of pictures of players hanging out in their matching sakaGUCCI pieces. Each piece is crafted by Sakaguchi's Lalafell character, who was shown in a previous tweet to be a level 90 weaver, and is priced depending on how difficult the item is to craft, and how expensive the materials are.

In subsequent tweets, Sakaguchi has asked players not to resell their sakaGUCCI items on the marketplace, asking players to glamour the items to make them unable to be traded. He's also tweeted to warn players about some actions that will remove the "Hironobu Sakaguchi" signature from the items.

There’s a browser plugin that autoblocks Twitter NFT profile photos

That was fast. Within 24 hours of the launch of the Twitter nonfungible token, or NFT, profile photos for iOS replace, a github contributor referred to as mcclure has coded up and shared a browser extension that mechanically blocks Twitter accounts utilizing an NFT profile image. The program referred to as NFTBlocker blocks paying subscribers […]

The post There’s a browser plugin that autoblocks Twitter NFT profile photos appeared first on Bitcoin Upload.

ENS is taking first steps to Ethereum Layer-2 support

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is taking initial steps towards adopting Ethereum Layer-2 support.

The post ENS is taking first steps to Ethereum Layer-2 support appeared first on CryptoSlate.

Alex Trebek’s Studio City compound seeks $7 million

The longtime home of late 'Jeopardy!' host Alex Trebek just surfaced for sale in Studio City for $7 million.

Movie Companies Use DMCA ‘Shortcut’ To Expose Alleged CenturyLink Pirates

Personal data and other records held by ISPs on their customers are highly sensitive and as such, can only be handed over to third parties when the law requires it. In movie piracy cases, judges often order this type of disclosure after consideration but in a new case involving CenturyLink customers, customer details could already be in the hands of some extremely litigious copyright holders.

From: TF, for the latest news on copyright battles, piracy and more.

NFTs Went Mainstream Yesterday

January 21, 2022       /       Unchained Daily       /       Laura Shin Daily Bits ✍️✍️✍️ The Federal Reserve released its long-awaited report on stablecoins. The[...]

The post NFTs Went Mainstream Yesterday appeared first on Unchained Podcast.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an Automotive Mobile App Development?

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an Automotive Mobile App Development? The automotive sector is rapidly moving to the next level of intelligence with autonomous vehicle development and connected car app development. In particular,...

How to Present a Business Plan to Potential Investors

Sharing 5 known secrets how to structure the information for effective pitching a business plan to the investors. Giving away template for free!

How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today!

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain careers are trending at all-time highs and the industry is growing at a rate so quickly that hundreds of jobs are being advertised faster than you can type up your resume. In fact, a survey performed by LinkedIn in 2020 found that Blockchain skills were the most in-demand skills in the United […]

The post How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today! appeared first on Coin Bureau.

This is Not Just COVID – Supply Chain Disruption Has Been Building for Years

 I will not bore you with all the pictures and the discussion of how many ships are off the coast of LA waiting to get unloaded.  If you are reading this, you already know that fact.  What I do want to discuss is the real problem with supply chains and the root cause of this mess. 

My fear is everyone is attributing everything to covid-19 and covid-19 certainly did not help.  Covid-19 dramatically changed the buying patterns across the world (from experiences to things) and that impacted supply chains tremendously.  However, like a lot of things related to covid-19, the impact merely accelerated a trend which was already growing.  My thesis is this:  The infrastructure of global supply chains was cracking and breaking and Covid-19 sped it up.  What is included in infrastructure:

  1. Driver capacity
  2. Lack of investment in highway infrastructure (just look at the trucks parked all over every night)
  3. Lack of investment in port infrastructure
  4. Lack of connectivity in systems (i.e., you book a container to come to the US but the people on the ground don't know when or even if it is coming)
  5. Lack of a cohesive strategy on chassis management
  6. Massive disruption and economic distortion with "on again and off again" tariffs. 
  7. Lack of investment in real assets.  A lot of money going into apps and other systems for visibility etc. but what we need our trucks, drivers, trailers, containers and ships. 
My belief is until we get a comprehensive national strategy to deal with these issues, much like we have a national security strategy, petroleum reserve strategy etc. we will have these problems forever and what you see now may actually be the "new normal".  If you look at the group that is meeting now with the White House they still signal their belief that this is just a temporary covid-19 problem.  Their newest idea?  Keep the ports open longer!  Will that help? Yes, but does that deal with the core problems?  Absolutely not.  It is the aspirin for a headache which is actually caused by high blood pressure.  Your head will feel better but eventually your heart will burst.  

As much as we may dislike it or may hold an "all things government does is bad" idea we have to develop a national strategy to address these issues.  Remember, the Interstate Highway Network was a project the federal government did, with private industry, to ensure we could defend the country and it had the effect of enabling smooth frictionless commerce.  We need a big idea like that now.  

Don't let the excuse of covid-19 cover up all the issues in the supply chain in the United States. Despite all the billions of dollars invested in technology over the last 5 years, the global and national supply chains are performing worse than ever. 

And, for those of you who just cannot get enough of it, I will provide the obligatory picture of ships backed up at port. 

Highlights from Our AUVSI Webinar Presentation on “Enhancing Operations with Sensors and Other Instruments”

Vigilant Aerospace Systems’ CEO Kraettli Epperson participated in an AUVSI presentation on “Enhancing Operations with Sensors and Other Instruments.” We are happy to share...

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