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Tag: phases

Computer vision using synthetic datasets with Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Dassault Systèmes 3DEXCITE

This is a post co-written with Bernard Paques, CTO of Storm Reply, and Karl Herkt, Senior Strategist at Dassault Systèmes 3DExcite. While computer vision can be crucial to industrial maintenance, manufacturing, logistics, and consumer applications, its adoption is limited by the manual creation of training datasets. The creation of labeled pictures in an industrial context […]

Elevating the Customer Experience: A Look at the New Credit Monitoring Solution from CuneXus

A Finovate alum since 2014, CuneXus specializes in enabling lenders to deliver personalized, mobile customer experiences while helping financial institutions grow loan volume and revenue. The company has reached more than $60 million in loans funded daily, $500 billion in client combined assets, and represented 28 million consumers in the U.S. Last fall, the company Read more...

The post Elevating the Customer Experience: A Look at the New Credit Monitoring Solution from CuneXus appeared first on Finovate.

Short-Term Supply Dwindles

Bitcoin accumulation trends have softened in the short term, despite extremely constructive long-term demand trends. The potential energy for a capitulation event is in place, but is yet to manifest as it has in previous market cycles.

Fundamental Shifts In IC Manufacturing Processes

Emphasis shifts from speed to reliability and customization, slowing various process steps and when they are performed; sidelined equipment gains traction.

The post Fundamental Shifts In IC Manufacturing Processes appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Ethereum’s Final Tesnet Went Public: Will The Merge Be Here Soon?


Ethereum seems to be totally committed to its plan this year as the full upgrade to Proof-of-Stake gets close. Marius van der Wijden, one of Ethereum’s core developers, announced in a post on March 10 that the final testnet had gone public. The testnet is a blockchain version that allows developers to experiment with new [...]

The post Ethereum’s Final Tesnet Went Public: Will The Merge Be Here Soon? appeared first on Blockonomi.

Time crystals on a quantum computer reach a record size

Results mark the beginning of a new phase in quantum simulation, say physicists

The post Time crystals on a quantum computer reach a record size appeared first on Physics World.

More than five years on, For Honor is getting crossplay

After years of waiting, For Honor fans are finally getting crossplay.

Ubisoft is set to release a slew of new content as part of For Honor's upcoming sixth year, but crossplay is without a doubt the most eagerly anticipated feature to be addressed. "Crossplay will be deployed in 2 Phases in For Honor," the developer revealed in a blogpost. The first phase will be released on 17th March for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox consoles, alongside the launch of Y6S1 (more on that in a mo).

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Overwatch 2 closed beta launching next month, registrations now open

When last we heard from Overwatch 2, Activision Blizzard was making noises to suggest we might not see it until 2023; now, however, the publisher has announced plans to 'decouple' Overwatch 2's PvP features from its PvE systems in order to get the team-based shooter sequel into players 'hands sooner via series of betas scheduled to run throughout 2022.

The news comes via Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller in a newly released developer video, and his spin, it has to be said, is a little weird, framing the beta phases Blizzard has planned for the rest of the year as some sort of generous bounty for those existing Overwatch players who've been starved of content since the developer opted to focus its attention entirely on Overwatch 2. At one point he even argues the Overwatch 2 beta "represents the most new content we have brought to our game since launch."

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Overwatch 2 Will Release PvP and PvE Modes Separately, First PvP Beta in April

Blizzard announced it is decoupling Overwatch 2 PvP and PvE in an effort to release the multiplayer mode sooner. A beta is coming this April.

Moderna Will Develop mRNA Vaccines for 15 of the World’s Worst Diseases

Moderna mRNA vaccine cells virus blood
To much of the world, it seemed like the Covid-19 vaccines were whipped up in less than a year—an amazing feat of science and biotechnology if ever there was one. While the vaccines did get fast-tracked through clinical trial and regulatory approval phases, the truth is that the technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines—mRNA—had […]

t3rn: The Interoperable Smart Contract Hub

A look at the limitations of blockchain’s irreversible transactions, from technological failures to hackers and ransom demands shows there is a lot to be desired. Reversibility is required to tackle these issues, and how it must be able to do so without jeopardizing blockchain’s merits. Introduce the solutions proposed by t3rn – and many problems [...]

The post t3rn: The Interoperable Smart Contract Hub appeared first on Blockonomi.

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