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Tag: peter shor

Quantum vs. Classical HPC: Sandia Labs and Boston Univ. Challenge Conventional Wisdom that Speed Rules Supreme – High-Performance Computing News Analysis | insideHPC

Theoretical scientists John Kallaugher, left, and Ojas Parekh find tasks in which quantum computers outperform classical computers at Sandia. (Photo by Craig Fritz)Theoretical scientists...

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The Biggest Discoveries in Computer Science in 2023 | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn 2023, artificial intelligence dominated popular culture — showing up in everything from internet memes to Senate hearings. Large language models such as those...

The Quest to Quantify Quantumness | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIt’s been more than 40 years since the physicist Richard Feynman pointed out that building computing devices based on quantum principles could unlock powers...

Quantum Computers Could Crack Encryption Sooner Than Expected With New Algorithm

One of the most well-established and disruptive uses for a future quantum computer is the ability to crack encryption. A new algorithm could significantly...

What is Quantum Artificial Intelligence

This video is from Samuel Bosch where he discusses his PhD work on Quantum Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, Shor’s Quantum Factoring...

To Move Fast, Quantum Maze Solvers Must Forget the Past | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionImagine you visit a maze with some friends. You emerge from the exit shortly after going in, and wait around for hours before your...

The Limits of Computing: Why Even in the Age of AI, Some Problems Are Just Too Difficult

Empowered by artificial intelligence technologies, computers today can engage in convincing conversations with people, compose songs, paint paintings, play chess and go, and diagnose...

Should Crypto Fear Quantum Computing?

Things to know:– Quantum computing, a cutting-edge technology, holds immense potential for revolutionizing computation with its unmatched computational power.– Quantum computing, despite being at...

‘Quantum in Pictures’ aims to make quantum more accessible

By Dan O'Shea posted 08 Feb 2023 Quantinuum has published “Quantum in Pictures,” a long-awaited book from Quantinuum...

News – Quantum Computing Report

Recent news items published within the last 6 months on quantum computing developments are listed below. Click on the hyperlinked item to go to...

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