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CISO Corner: Red Sox CloudSec; Deepfake Biz Risk; Ticketmaster Takes

Welcome to CISO Corner, Dark Reading's weekly digest of articles tailored specifically to security operations readers and security leaders. Every week, we offer articles...

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How to Navigate Security Concerns in AI-Enabled Autopay

AI-enabled autopay systems leverage advanced machine learning algorithms to automate payment processes and make transactions faster and more efficient. Due to their ability to...

Mixtral 8x22B is now available in Amazon SageMaker JumpStart | Amazon Web Services

Today, we are excited to announce the Mixtral-8x22B large language model (LLM), developed by Mistral AI, is available for customers through Amazon SageMaker JumpStart...

Fintech Outsourcing United States: Cynergy BPO – Why Onshore Support Still Reigns Supreme

In the complex world of financial technology, the strategic decision between onshore,...

Mastercard Partners with PXP Financial for Secure Card Transactions

PXP Financial, a provider of global acquiring, payment, fraud, and data analysis services, has recently announced its accreditation as a Token Service Provider by Mastercard.This accreditation...

Fundamentals of Data Classification – DATAVERSITY

The process of data classification can be broadly described as the organization of data into relevant categories, allowing it to be accessed and protected...

Debunking The Most Common Myths About Online Payments

When it comes to eCommerce, the heartbeat of your business is a seamless online payment system. But amidst the digital buzz, false beliefs about...

The Role of Digital Banking in Supporting SMEs and Startups

March 19, 2024 Image: FreepikSmall businesses have unique financial needs, and they need banks that are ready to meet them where they are. Traditional...

Debunking Cloud and Cloud Migration Myths – DATAVERSITY

Many companies hesitate to migrate to the cloud for a variety of valid reasons. However, these migration concerns are often based on misconceptions that...

Does your Supply Chain need IVR and Call Number Masking Support?

In the ever-evolving landscape of supply chain management, staying ahead means embracing innovative solutions. This ensures not only to streamline operations but also to...

What are Electronic Payment Services: Trends and Benefits

The financial landscape has changed drastically in our fast-paced digital age. We are no longer constrained by physical currencies or unwieldy checkbooks. The age...

SaaS Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Roles

Why should business roles bother with a compliance guide? Well, compliance is a very big deal these days, and it covers a lot of...

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