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Tag: Paper

Scientists identify a ‘sugar world’ beyond Neptune – Physics World

Now here’s a discovery that’s pretty sweet: the most distant Solar-System object ever visited by a spacecraft appears to be dusted with sugar. Known...

Dubai slashes crypto token recognition fees to $5,000

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) has announced amendments to its cryptocurrency token regime to advance the regulatory framework for tokens within the special...

Cryptographers Discover a New Foundation for Quantum Secrecy | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionSay you want to send a private message, cast a secret vote or sign a document securely. If you do any of these tasks...

Space-based monitoring of electronic signals is now a commercial battleground

WASHINGTON — The once highly-classified ability to detect and pinpoint the locations of radio frequency (RF) emissions from space is rapidly transitioning to the...

As Plastic Piles Up, So Does Funding To Startups Working On Alternatives

People are using and discarding too much plastic. It’s terrible for the environment, contributes to global warming and can contain substances dangerous for our...

The murky world of password leaks – and how to check if you’ve been hit

How To Password leaks are increasingly common and figuring out whether the keys...

As Allies, Kenya & US Aim to Bolster Digital Security in Africa

With a visit to the United States and his country's designation by the US as a major non-NATO ally, Kenyan President William S. Ruto...

The Rise of Re-Staking in Crypto: A High-Risk, High-Reward Trend

According to Reuters, Seattle-based startup EigenLayer has taken the crypto world by storm, attracting $18.8 billion worth of cryptocurrency to its platform in just...

[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – June 2024

A new month just started up today. Now that we’re in June, we want to know what you’ve been playing.Have you been finding your...

IQT NEWS BRIEFS June 1: JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Algorithmic Speedup in New Study • Colorado Governor Signs Quantum Industry...

By Sandra Helsel posted 01 Jun 2024 JPMorgan Chase, Argonne and Quantinuum Show Theoretical Quantum Algorithmic Speedup in New...

The Ultimate Guide To IoT

The Ultimate Guide to IoT white paper delves into the transformative potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its profound impact on various...

EPT Summer/Dallas – Road to the EWC

by PoopiThe stakes are higher than ever at the ESL Masters Spring Championship, and not just because the total prize pool has been raised...

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