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Tag: Packaging materials

Antalis EcoCube – a hub of knowledge to the packaging chain

Antalis’ EcoCube is a physical cube designed to help businesses kick-start their journey to EcoExcellence, with 6 zones linking to an online toolkit containing...

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Engineering sustainable living materials for a greener future

Apr 01, 2024 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Faced with mounting environmental challenges, scientists worldwide are seeking sustainable solutions. Engineering living materials—composites incorporating living organisms—offers great promise by...

Sustainable Warehouse Guide: Cut Costs & Improve Efficiency

A sustainable warehouse can significantly improve your operational and cost efficiency in the long run through its cost-effective methods. This is becoming more important...

How does last mile delivery software help with successful on-demand delivery in the Phygital world?

In today’s fast-paced Phygital (Physical + Digital) world, the lines between online and offline experiences are blurring. Demand for instant delivery is at its...

Exploring the Environmental Impact of Superbowl LVIII: Revealing its Carbon Footprint

Super Bowl LVIII, one of the most anticipated sporting events in the United States, is not only a showcase of athletic prowess and entertainment...

What to Watch in 2024

All eyes are on Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram in 2024, with the industry hoping for a watershed year of rescheduling and the...

Sustainable Procurement: Top Implementation Strategies

Sustainable procurement has become more and more critical for businesses that want to reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainable practices. When done...

Top 10 Ways to Save Money on Shipping

For quite some time now, shipping costs have been a major obstacle for many ecommerce businesses, taking a toll on their bottom line. When it comes to shipping your products,...

Tech Industry: Making Sustainability a Core Value – PrimaFelicitas

The modern tech industry, known for its rapid pace of innovation, has undeniably revolutionized our lifestyles, work dynamics, and interpersonal connections. However, this relentless...

Enhancing Sustainability and Safety: The Vital Role of Compatibility Testing in Food Packaging – The Environmental Blog

Food packaging testing is used to evaluate any packaging that comes into...

Enhancing Sustainability and Safety: The Vital Role of Compatibility Testing in Food Packaging

Food packaging testing is used to evaluate any packaging that comes into contact with food products.  With the help of food packaging testing, manufacturers...

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