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Tag: Original Art

Big Chemistry: Ultrapure Water

My first job out of grad school was with a biotech company in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was a small outfit, and everyone had a...

Lenses: From Fire Starters To Smart Phones and VR

In antiquity, we see examples of magnifying crystals formed into a biconvex shape as early as the 7th century BC. Whether the people of...

Rogue Waves Are Mysterious And Big

Stand by the shore and watch the waves roll in, and you’ll notice that most come in at roughly the same size. There’s a...

The Joy of Broadcast Media Vs. The Paradox of Choice

The rise of streaming services on the Internet was a revolutionary shift when it came to the world of media. No more would content...

Handling Bulk Material: Why Does My Cat Food Get Stuck?

Bulk material is stuff handled ‘in bulk’. One LEGO piece is a brick but 1,000 poured into a bag is bulk material. Corn starch,...

Knowing Your Place: The Implications Of GPS Spoofing And Jamming

Artificial satellites have transformed the world in many ways, not only in terms of relaying communication and for observing the planet in ways previously...

Things Are Getting Rusty in Kernel Land

There is gathering momentum around the idea of adding Rust to the Linux kernel. Why exactly is that a big deal, and what does...

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