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Tag: Organisations

After Deal, vLex Justis Launches Integrated Legal Research Platform

vLex Justis, the legal research group, is now formally launching its new integrated platform following its combination with Justis last year. The...

PCI Compliance from home

While no one can predict the longer-term global impact of COVID-19, the immediate changes to our daily lives are apparent, specifically –...

Automation: transforming financial services to a more human-focussed industry

Between heightened customer service expectations, and stringent regulatory requirements, it can be hard for banks and financial institutions relying on disparate legacy systems...

Critical NHS Cyber Security Checks Suspended Due To Coronavirus Response

As reported by ITPro, NHS Trusts have been granted a six-month delay to completing crucial cyber security resilience checks while resources are rechanneled into...

Six Eco-friendly Business Practices To Adopt Today

Climate change is currently top of the news agenda, with protests calling for climate action taking place all over the world. According to...

Cybersecurity Vendors Offer Free Products To Help Organisations As Employees Work From Home

With an unprecedented number of businesses having to quickly change the way they work, here is what some of the cybersecurity community are...

Exchange rate service’s customer details hacked via AWS

by Danny Bradbury Online exchange rate data provider Open Exchange Rates has exposed an undisclosed amount of user data...

Debunking the 5 biggest myths of AI  

A lot of assumptions get made when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Whether it’s the sci-fi portrayal it receives in TV &...

Why Choosing a Heavier NLP Model Might Be a Good Choice?

From Google’s 43 rules of ML.“Rule #4: Keep the first model simple and get the infrastructure right.”With some opinions floating in the market,...

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Websites To Be Marked As Insecure In Latest Chrome Update – Response From Industry Expert

News has broken about today’s launch of Chrome 81 and its implications for the hundreds of thousands of websites that still use the outdated...

Your Views on Covid-19 + Isolation

Obviously, people have access to email, Slack, Teams, video-conferencing, remote log-ins to their business’s DMS and more….but, that’s not really the main...

Contrast Security simplifies DevSecOps with Route Intelligence

Contrast Security, the next-generation software security platform, announced Route Intelligence, a major new capability for application security. Legacy application security testing solutions simply...

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