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Tag: order

Public health guidance on HIV, hepatitis B and C testing in the EU/EEA

This guidance aims to provide EU/EEA countries with an evidence-based framework to help develop, implement, monitor and evaluate their own national HBV,...

Does language shape how you think?

Pormpuraaw, Australia.On the western edge of Cape York, in northern Australia, live the Kuuk Thaayore, a small Aboriginal community whose language has a...

Scaling businesses: how I learned to embrace the growing pains

In the 1990s, the British anthropologist Robin Dunbar introduced the concept of the Dunbar number. After noticing a correlation between primates’ brain sizes...

How Blockchain Technology can help Safeguard Cannabis Industry

With legalization of cannabis and marijuana in few states of North America, the entire cannabis industry and its growth has become the talk...

MakerDAO (MKR) Sees Over 1 Million ETH Locked In Its Stability Fund

MakerDAO (MKR) Sees Over 1 Million ETH Locked In Its Stability Fund
Mike McDonald, the creator of MKR.tools, took to Twitter to point out to the fact that nearly 1% of the total circulating supply of Ether (ETH) is now locked up in MakerDAO smart contracts. Since the circulating supply of ETH is currently 103,219,284 ETH, we come to a stunning number of a million Ether being […]

Hey Jude, take Customer Service and make it better, better, BETTER

It is easy for e-commerce companies to neglect customer service, especially when the agents’ work volume gets too much to handle. Businesses need...

Life imitating art: the quest for a universal translator

Despite technology’s stubbornness in not giving us hoverboards, time travelling DeLoreans or pizza hydrators, there has been a lot that real life has...

Vigilant Aerospace CEO Talks to Xconomy About the Growth and Future of the Commercial Drone Industry

Vigilant Aerospace CEO Kraettli Epperson recently spoke to Angela Shah at Xconomy about the growth and development of the unmanned aircraft industry and the future of autonomous technology. The article featured comments from Epperson on a few of Vigilant Aerospace Systems’ projects and initiatives. From the article: …[Vigilant Aerospace Systems], is among the companies helping federal […]

The post Vigilant Aerospace CEO Talks to Xconomy About the Growth and Future of the Commercial Drone Industry appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

EtherDelta Founder Charged For Operating Unregistered Securities Exchange

EtherDelta Founder Charged For Operating Unregistered Securities Exchange
Decentralized exchange EtherDelta founder Zachary Coburn has been charged and fined by the SEC for operating an illegal securities exchange.

Whiteblock Research Concludes EOS Is Not A Blockchain, Not Scalable And Lacks Economic Transparency

Whiteblock Research Concludes EOS Is Not A Blockchain, Not Scalable And Lacks Economic Transparency
Blockchain testing company, Whiteblock, published the results of a comprehensive research of the EOS blockchain titled EOS: An Architectural, Performance, and Economic Analysis. The study concluded the following: EOS’ architecture is not fundamentally a blockchain-based network Network throughput is less than 50 TPS in a real-life setting Consensus issues No Byzantine fault tolerance Faulty voting mechanism […]

Customer Service after hours: what the Dark Web can teach us

Legend holds that the first thing to be sold online, through ARPANET, the seventies’ precursor to the modern internet, in a deal struck...

What is Bakkt and how will it change the cryptocurrency world?

Blockchain is growing. We can all see it through the daily new innovations in the space, the new companies which bring growth and...

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