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Tag: oracle

Blockchain Technology and its Types

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Blockchain technology is a decentralized, distributed ledger that keeps a record of ownership...

Data visualization for One-dimensional Data

Bee Swarm Plots in Data Visualization Starting with the Bee Swarm Plots, The best thing about this plot is that along with showing the distribution...

Understanding Word Embeddings and Building your First RNN Model

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Introduction Deep learning is one of the hottest fields in the past decade, with...

AI Technology and Creativity Are Intertwined in Marketing

Big data technology has helped many companies improve efficiency and address some of the top challenges they have encountered in recent years. A growing...

Introduction to Smart Contracts

Introduction Smart contracts are a type of digital agreement based on blockchain technology and are executed to form a legal contract between two parties involved. Smart...

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Machine Learning

Putting the fun in fundamentals! A collection of short videos to amuse beginners and experts alike Looking for a fun introduction to AI with a...

Nvidia is taking part in the United AI Alliance to bring data science tech to African nations

Nvidia and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) collaborate on the United AI Alliance to offer data science technologies and training to...

Data mature businesses are more profitable than others

IDC defines data maturity as the degree to which an organization successfully uses data and incorporates it into decision-making.The IDC white paper investigates the...

Streamlining a machine learning process flow: Planning is the key

The machine learning process flow determines which steps are included in a machine learning project. Data gathering, pre-processing, constructing datasets, model training and improvement,...

All About Collections in Python

Image by Editor  Python possesses a module named collections which has different types of containers. A container is a python object which consists different...

Data Science Blogathon 24th Edition

Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom. Sharing it with the world is the first step to humanity. Introduction There are plenty of competitions and...

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