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Tag: oracle

Migration Guidelines for Data-Driven Ecommerce Companies

Data-driven ecommerce companies have a strong advantage over their competitors. As we stated before, data-driven marketing strategies are extremely valuable for ecommerce companies. What...

Small Businesses Use Data Analytics Tools to Cut Costs as Inflation Rises

Whenever inflation creeps upwards, businesses and consumers alike are compelled to take action or else feel the pain of rising costs putting strain on...

How To Tackle 3 Common Machine Learning Challenges

Sponsored Post    The demand for machine learning is only going to increase, thus the need for engineers and data scientists will follow suit. No one...

Everything You Need to Know About Data Lakehouses

Source: Dremio  Could you consider data lakehouse a new buzzword in the world of tech? It seems as though we could. We first started...

Active learning overcomes the ML training challenges

Active learning (AL) is a key technique for most supervised machine learning models because they need a lot of data to be trained in...

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could do with a Low Code Tool

Today I want to play the myth buster. I want to demystify this myth that low code tools can only solve simple problems. In...

EvilProxy service allows hackers to utilize advanced phishing tactics

EvilProxy is a reverse-proxy service platform that promises to steal authentication tokens to defeat multi-factor authentication on many sites. The service allows low-skill threat...

AI can independently learn and recognize language norms and patterns

MIT, Cornell, and McGill University researchers have developed an AI system that can independently learn the rules and patterns of human languages.This model can...

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on Lead Scoring Dataset

Introduction A lead in a business, also known as a sales lead, is a user or a potential customer who has shown interest in what...

Indus Insights, a Leading Data Science & Analytics Consulting…

Indus Insights raises growth capital ...

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