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Tag: Operational Resilience

Finextra launches NextGen:AI, a new event defining AI’s future in financial services

Join Finextra in London on 26th November 2024...

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HKMA planning sandbox for generative AI in banking

Arthur Yuen, deputy CEO of Hong Kong Monetary Authority, says the territory’s central bank is preparing to open a regulatory sandbox focused on how...

How Tech is Cracking Open Traditional Finance

The bank of the future isn't a gleaming marble edifice guarded by stoic tellers. It's a constellation of ones and zeros, algorithms humming in server farms,...

DORA – Navigating the EU’s Operational Resilience Landscape

DORA – Bolstering and Harmonising Operational Resilience Across the EU.  See full article at https://cjcit.com/insight/dora-navigating-the-eus-operational-resilience-landscape/ The EU’s DORA is inevitable and will have rippling effects beyond the...

Strengthen Control with Bank Reconciliation | Nanonets

Importance of bank reconciliation in internal controlIn the world of finance and accounting, accuracy is key. Whether you're managing personal finances or running a...

Qantas denies price gouging after ex-ACCC chair’s report

Qantas has again denied accusations of price gouging following the release of a report by former ACCC chairman Allan Fels. The report, commissioned by the...

ISO 27001 Vulnerability Assessment

In the intricate realm of information security, where digital landscapes evolve and cyber threats loom large, the ISO 27001 standard stands as a beacon...

ISO 27001 Vulnerability Assessment – QualityMedDev

In the intricate realm of information security, where digital landscapes evolve and cyber threats loom large, the ISO 27001 standard stands as a beacon...

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