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Tag: Office of Space Commerce

How privacy-preserving technology can advance satellite collision detection

Wider participation in the space economy brings both opportunities and challenges, including a heightened risk of satellite collisions. Since no one group controls space,...

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Industry group opposes White House mission authorization proposal

WASHINGTON — An industry group says it is opposed to a White House proposal for regulating novel space activities, arguing it could be burdensome...

U.S. and Chinese officials meet to discuss space safety

LAS VEGAS — American and Chinese officials met recently to discuss space situational awareness (SSA) data, part of broader efforts by the U.S. to...

Office of Space Commerce touts progress on civil space traffic coordination system

WAIMEA, Hawaii — After a slow start, the Commerce Department says it is making progress on establishing a civil space traffic coordination system that...

Industry offers wish list for commercial space legislation

WASHINGTON — As the House Science Committee considers a commercial space bill, industry officials advocated for key topics they believe should be included in...

Should the FAA regulate all space activities?

Dale Skran is the National Space Society’s chief operating officer and senior vice president. Dale worked at Bell Labs for 17 years and held...

Export control update on the way

COLORADO SPRINGS – Export control rules promised in 2019, when the U.S. State Department Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and the U.S. Commerce Department...

Op-ed | Practical applications of a space mission authorization framework

The National Space Council recently completed three public listening sessions on the issue of In-Space Authorization and Supervision, often described broadly as mission authorization....

NOAA seeks funding increases for next-generation satellite programs

WASHINGTON — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is once again requesting a significant budget increase for future weather satellite programs after Congress cut...

Why the Office of Space Commerce should supervise novel commercial space activities

Karina Drees is the president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. The commercial space industry is driving a new era of exploration, economic opportunity,...

Commercial space a key topic for National Space Council advisory group

WASHINGTON — Commercial space issues, including supporting emerging markets and regulating them, emerged as major priorities at a meeting of a National Space Council...

Office of Space Commerce examines options for commercial SSA pilot project in LEO

WASHINGTON — With one commercial space traffic coordination pilot project successfully completed, the Office of Space Commerce is considering ways to do a similar...

Commerce Department outlines plans for basic space traffic management service

WASHINGTON — The Commerce Department has outlined the services it proposes to offer free of charge to satellite operators from the space traffic management...

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