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Tag: Northeastern University

KAN: Kolmogorov Arnold Networks: An Alternative To MLPs (MIT, CalTech, et al.)

A new technical paper titled “KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks” was published by researchers at MIT, CalTech, Northeastern University and The NSF Institute for Artificial Intelligence...

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40 Collegiate Teams Advance — Solar Decathlon 2024 Design Challenge – CleanTechnica

Sign up for daily news updates from CleanTechnica on email. Or follow us on Google News! Teams Representing 11 Countries and 37 Institutions Will Present...

How Quickly Do Large Language Models Learn Unexpected Skills? | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionTwo years ago, in a project called the Beyond the Imitation Game benchmark, or BIG-bench, 450 researchers compiled a list of 204 tasks designed...

Boffins find AI models tend to escalate conflicts

When high school student David Lightman inadvertently dials into a military mainframe in the 1983 movie WarGames, he invites the supercomputer to play a...

NIST warns of ‘snake oil’ security claims by AI makers

Predictive and generative AI systems remain vulnerable to a variety of attacks and anyone who says otherwise isn't being entirely honest, according to Apostol...

Liquid crystal elastomers make morphing fabric – Physics World

A new type of fibre reversibly changes its shape in response to temperature and can be spun into threads to make entire morphing garments....

Evolving Bacteria Can Evade Barriers to ‘Peak’ Fitness | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionNearly a century ago, the evolutionary theorist Sewall Wright imagined a landscape of mountains and valleys. The peaks represented states of high evolutionary fitness...

Cryptographers Devise an Approach for Total Search Privacy | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionWe all know to be careful about the details we share online, but the information we seek can also be revealing. Search for driving...

How Reveal’s Logikcull used Amazon Comprehend to detect and redact PII from legal documents at scale | Amazon Web Services

Today, personally identifiable information (PII) is everywhere. PII is in emails, slack messages, videos, PDFs, and so on. It refers to any data or...

AI Impersonates Sudan Leader on TikTok Mid-Civil Unrest

The civil unrest in Sudan has taken an alarming twist online. A mysterious account on TikTok recently uploaded “leaked recordings” of Omar al-Bashir, the...

Network connectivity patterns for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless | Amazon Web Services

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for Amazon OpenSearch Service. OpenSearch Serverless enables a broad set of use cases, such as real-time...

Reliable internet and Wi-Fi in schools should be top priority

Key points: Connected Nation’s 2022 Report on School Connectivity notes that one-third of school districts–23.5 million students–still need improved access to the internet...

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