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Tag: New Zealand

L1ght Looks to Protect Internet Users from Toxic and Predatory Behavior

Cybersecurity has been regarded as a necessity for all computer users, especially today when data breaches and malware attacks have become rampant.However, one...

Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and others join forces with law enforcement on child abuse crackdown

"These principles are intended to have sufficient flexibility to ensure effective implementation by industry actors," US Attorney General Barr said today. "Some...

Ripple Chief Critical of Bitcoin, Ethereum ‘Wasteful’ Energy Consumption

As if there wasn’t enough tribalism within the crypto community already, Ripple’s CEO has blatantly bashed bitcoin and...

Weekly Update #30: Bitcoin price Drop, Central Banks And Simpsons

March has already begun, but it is still worth it to take a look at the summary of the last week of the...

Analyst Claims 98% of Mining Rigs Fail to Verify Transactions

Alex de Vries, the founder of the Digiconomist, has given a damning assessment of the electricity consumed by Bitcoin (BTC) mining in an...

US is now Afterpay’s largest customer market 

Afterpay’s efforts to embed itself in the U.S. retail ecosystem are showing results.  The point-of-sale lender announced this week it has more U.S....

After Loosing 7000BTC, FCoin Exchange Claims it Will Resume Operations Soon

Shuttered Chinese crypto exchange, FCoin has launched a new interim committee to revive its operations, beginning with the reopening of its website...

Sporadic Ransomware Growth Worries Aussie Cybersecurity Minister

Tim Watts, Australia’s Shadow Assistant Minister for Cybersecurity, has come out to criticize the country’s government for its weak showing in response to...

Anthony Pompliano Argues Bitcoin is Environment-Friendly, Binance CEO Agrees

Anthony Pompliano, Bitcoin enthusiast and Co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital, defended Bitcoin in an in-depth interview with CNN anchor Julia Chatterley after Warren...

#comptia | #ransomware | The Law Enforcement’s Guide to Policing Crypto Cybercrimes

2019 demonstrated that cyber-attacks are getting more numerous in the cryptocurrency industry, while hardware remains vulnerable and high-profile data leaks are becoming...

The Law Enforcement’s Guide to Policing Crypto Cybercrimes

2019 demonstrated that cyber-attacks are getting more numerous in the cryptocurrency industry, while hardware remains vulnerable and high-profile data leaks are becoming more...

General Motors to kill Holden brand in Australia and NZ

General Motors has announced it will close the Holden brand in Australia and New Zealand by 2021 in an effort to consolidate its...

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