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Tag: new study

Study: Casino Free Play Size Doesn’t Impact Visit Frequency

A new study from a University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) researcher shows a drop in the effectiveness of casinos using free play credits...

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Plastic and non-stick cookware is likely adding thousands of microplastics to the human diet | Envirotec

A new collaborative study has shown that plastic and non-stick cookware can...

The nanotechnological revolution requires standardized ‘screws’ – here is a way to measure them

Jun 17, 2024 (Nanowerk News) A new nonlinear optical property of tiny particles has been discovered by an international team of scientists led by physicists...

Scientists Show AI-Generated Proteins Actually Work in Stem Cell Study

Stem cells are finicky creatures.With the ability to generate any type of cell in the body, they’re constantly bombarded by chemical, hormone, and other...

AI Unearths Nearly a Million Potential Antibiotics to Take Out Superbugs

Humans and bacteria are in a perpetual war.For most of history, bacteria won. Before 1928, a simple scrape on the knee, a cut when...

Disaster Risk Reduction and Open Data Newsletter: June 2024 Edition – CODATA, The Committee on Data for Science and Technology

‘Godfathers of climate chaos’: UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban In a major speech in New York on Wednesday, António Guterres called on news...

New ‘Aging Clock’ Predicts the Maximum Lifespan of 348 Mammals Including Humans

In 1997, Jeanne Calment passed away at the age of 122 and a half. The longest living human documented to date, she pushed the...

Exotic black holes could be a byproduct of dark matter

Jun 07, 2024 (Nanowerk News) For every kilogram of matter that we can see — from the computer on your desk to distant stars and...

‘Artificial lymph node’ shows potential to treat cancer

Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they have developed an artificial lymph node with the potential to treat cancer, according to a new study in...

Planet-forming disks around very low-mass stars are different

Jun 06, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Planets form in disks of gas and dust, orbiting young stars. The MIRI Mid-INfrared Disk Survey (MINDS), led by Thomas...

New technique reveals how gene transcription is coordinated in cells

Jun 05, 2024 (Nanowerk News) The human genome contains about 23,000 genes, but only a fraction of those genes are turned on inside a cell...

Most Life on Earth is Dormant, After Pulling an ‘Emergency Brake’ | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionResearchers recently reported the discovery of a natural protein, named Balon, that can bring a cell’s production of new proteins to a screeching halt....

Scientists identify a ‘sugar world’ beyond Neptune – Physics World

Now here’s a discovery that’s pretty sweet: the most distant Solar-System object ever visited by a spacecraft appears to be dusted with sugar. Known...

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