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Tag: NeurIPS

Working Towards Explainable AI

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.” This quote comes from the man who came up with the theory of relativity – not exactly the easiest concept to understand. That said, had he lived a bit longer, Albert Einstein might have said “AI” instead of “income tax.” Einstein died in […]

The post Working Towards Explainable AI appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Machine Learning

It's time to learn: machine learning is not a Swiss Army knife.

Clustering in Crowdsourcing: Methodology and Applications

Clustering in Crowdsourcing: Methodology and Applications = Previous post Next post =>    Tags: Clustering, Crowdsourcing, Data Science, Toloka As a result of the efforts outlined in this...

Unethical Use of AI Being Mainstreamed by Some Business Execs, Survey Finds 

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor  In a recent survey, senior business executives admitted to their sometimes unethical use of...

Facebook Launches One of the Toughest Reinforcement Learning Challenges in History

Facebook Launches One of the Toughest Reinforcement Learning Challenges in History = Previous post    Tags: Challenge, Facebook, Reinforcement...

Decades-old ASCII adventure NetHack may hint at the future of AI

Machine learning models have already mastered Chess, Go, Atari games and more, but in order for it to ascend to the next level, researchers...

Adversarial attacks in machine learning: What they are and how to stop them

Transform 2021 Elevate your enterprise data technology and strategy. July 12-16 Register Today Elevate your enterprise data...

Flush with $42M, hot AI startup Faculty plans to hoover up more PhDs… and steer clear of politics

In the wake of the news that U.K.-based AI startup Faculty has raised $42.5 million in a growth funding round, I teased out...

State-of-the-art Approaches to Building Open-Domain Conversational Agents

This research summary is part of our Conversational AI series which covers the latest AI & machine learning approaches in the following areas:In...

Big Tech bankrolling AI ethics research and events seems very familiar. Ah, yes, Big Tobacco all over again

Analysis Big tech's approach to avoiding AI regulation looks a lot like Big Tobacco's campaign to shape smoking rules, according to academics who...

A Comprehensive Introduction to Bayesian Deep Learning

Photo by Cody Hiscox on UnsplashPreamble Neural Network Generalization Back to Basics: The Bayesian Approach Frequentists Bayesianists Bayesian Inference and Marginalization How to Use a Posterior...

The Best Machine Learning Frameworks & Extensions for Scikit-learn

The Best Machine Learning Frameworks & Extensions for Scikit-learn = Previous post    Tags: Machine Learning, Python, scikit-learn ...

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