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Tag: network

The 13 most common blockchain myths explained

With every new technology, there is hype and there is reality. Binary District Journal attempts to separate the wheat from the chaff and...

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get fed by blockchain

It’s a cold, wet, and windy day in mid-January. You hear the knocking of the shutters against the window pane as you roll...

Mafia expert: ‘Ndrangheta crime family now resembles a ‘criminal blockchain’

International investigators warn the ‘Ndrangheta mafia family now resembles a “criminal blockchain” following the recent decentralization of its internal power structures. Usually, ‘Ndrangheta families in...

Solve Genomics with the Blockchain? Why the Hell Not

Scientists lust after genomes like the wolf from a Tex Avery cartoon, heart pounding in throat, tongue lolling, fist pounding on the table,...

Is Blockchain Winning or Losing? — 4 Stages of Blockchain Evolution

The hype over blockchain has picked up steam and enterprises rush to apply blockchain to their industry or even just add it to...

Francis Pouliot separates Bitcoin from blockchain

At TNW2019, Francis Pouliot, CEO and co-founder of Bitcoin exchange BullBitcoin, gave a technical overview of the cryptocurrency’s network, focusing on how it works,...

Past Bitcoin to Making Money from the Blockchain

Blockchain is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it can do so much more than just digital payments. There are currently applications...

Rakuten will roll its $9B loyalty program into a new blockchain-based cryptocurrency, Rakuten Coin

Messaging apps have seen a surge of popularity in recent years as people seek ways to communicate more directly than on social networks....

How Crowdfunding using Blockchain leads to a safer Investment

Crowdfunding has always been present in one form or another for a long time. However, it truly entered its boom period thanks to...

The blockchain network effect of familiarity and a prediction of future value

I haven't logged into Bittrex, Binance for about a month I think as I decided that instead of trading or concerning myself with...

How Crypto Contracts Disrupt Financial Services

Reading Time: 13 minutes Software and the internet have had a relatively low disruptive impact on the financial services industry. Sure — consumer expectations have changed, and banks are doing what they can to match the online experience of the highly customizable, on-demand internet services people have grown accustomed to — but businesses models have persisted. This is in […]

The perverse incentives produced by institutional division

» In Chicago, conflicts between local transit services and the commuter rail network have impinged on peoples’ mobility for decades. The institutional context...

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