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Tag: Natural Language

codabl-python added to PyPI

Project description The Codabl API is a collection of analytics tools and data integrations made for blockchain developers. In particular we...

Getting serious about humor: Can AI understand jokes?

“I like my coffee like I like my war. Cold.”A couple of years after a pair of scientists at the University of Washington...

Top 15 Emerging Technology Stats That You Must Know in 2020

USM love to give information related to new, emerging, and future technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, and...


Why picking the right NLP technology matters We all know the old adage, “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a...

Top 46 Artificial Intelligence Companies You Must Know in 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is broadly expanding in the market. Several AI startups and Artificial intelligence initiatives exist in the market. In this digital era,...

How to Get Involved in the Booming Python Job Market

From finance to artificial intelligence, data science to web development, there isn’t an area in which Python isn’t consolidated and flourishing. So let’s...

Researchers devise approach to reduce biases in computer vision data sets

Addressing problems of bias in artificial intelligence, computer scientists from Princeton and Stanford University have developed methods to obtain fairer data sets containing...

Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds

Joran van Apeldoorn1,2, András Gilyén1,2, Sander Gribling1,2, and Ronald de Wolf1,2,31QuSoft, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.2University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.3University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.Find this...

Social Reciprocity In AI-Human Interactions And AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Thank you for driving safely. Or, suppose instead I said to you that you should...

Document Embedding Techniques

Word embedding — the mapping of words into numerical vector spaces — has proved to be an incredibly important method for natural language...

How InsurTech-Insurance Partnership Delivers New Product Innovations

In 2019, InsurTech funding reached $6 billion, acknowledging the pace that technology can bring to overcome the age-old Insurance problems, the State of...

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