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Tag: natural language processing

Life imitating art: the quest for a universal translator

Despite technology’s stubbornness in not giving us hoverboards, time travelling DeLoreans or pizza hydrators, there has been a lot that real life has...

What are the use cases and advantages of Cognitive Computing?

Cognitive computing has taken the tech industry by storm and has become the new buzzword among entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts. Based on the...

Improving Your Health with Blockchain Technology

It is quite hard to enumerate all the benefits of telemedicine services based on blockchain, but the major one is that all transactions...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – A Comprehensive Account

To say that the role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is intriguing, would be an understatement. AI and Machine Learning can bring about...

Does Your Social Media Strategy Need a Boost? Why It’s Time to Tap the Power of AI, AR, and VR

Emerging technologies come of age Emerging technologies can be integrated to create memorable customer experiences via social media. Artificial intelligence (AI) uses machines to solve...

Q&A with Unbabel’s Head of Research who just won €1.4 million to build the next generation of machine translation models

Unbabel’s Head of Research, André Martins has been awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his proposed 5-year research project...

How Artificial Intelligence is changing the SaaS Landscape

There is no one moment when SaaS – Software as a Service – was conceived, because SaaS as a concept has a host...

A closer look at Unbabel’s award-winning translation quality estimation systems

We have a huge vision for Unbabel — to provide human-quality translations at the scale of machine translation. But how do we know...

Imagining a World without Language Barriers

An article by Brandon Deer, originally published at OpenView Labs – “A Conversation on the Future of AI with Unbabel’s Vasco Pedro“Vasco Pedro has always been...

Machine Learning that Learns More Like Humans, an AI Lip-Reading ‘Machine’, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 11-11-16

1 – Artificial-Intelligence System Surfs Web to Improve Its PerformanceInformation extraction involves classifying data items that are stored in plain text, and is a...

Fed Gov Speaks Up on HAVs, Google’s Allo Chats Smarter, and More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 9-23-16

1 – Self-Driving Cars: Feds Release Long-Awaited RulesOn Tuesday, the federal government released its long-anticipated new rules for self-driving cars. In a press release,...

Social and Soft Robotics, Super-Human Speech Recognition, More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 08-26-16

1 – People Favour Expressive, Communicative Robots Over Efficient and Effective OnesA recently published study out of the University of Bristol and University College...

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