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Tag: munchies

Podcast Feedback: Be Careful What You Ask For

I had one of those experiences yesterday that seem so common these days: the arrival of a mystery Amazon package. You know the kind...

Dumpster Fire: What Went Wrong with California Cannabis? | Project CBD

Cannabis is supposed to be relaxing and fun. What’s not to like about giggles, munchies, and a brief break from the mundane? Unfortunately, news...

The Effect of Cannabis on Metabolism

Cannabis is often celebrated for its ability to increase the appetite and prevent wasting. However, new research suggests that the endocannabinoid system’s role in...

Why Cannabis Consumers Are Skinny

Why are cannabis consumers skinny? Of course, not every connoisseur is slim. Cannabis stimulates appetite, so we tend to consume more calories than the...

The 12 Best Munchie Snacks When Your High – Cannabis Tutorials

Are you ready to embark on a gastronomic journey that will take your taste buds on an adventure? Look no further! We have compiled...

9 Proven Ways on How to Stop the Munchies | Tested Solutions

Cannabis could save the world one day. It has so many positive attributes and brings so many people together – but there is that...

They’re finally doing a game where the Warhammer 40K Orks go full Mad Max

Angry, green, and obsessed with speed: An upcoming combat racer set in the Warhammer 40,000 takes on the Kult of Speed, those Orks obsessed...

How To Avoid The Munchies

Have you ever experienced the intense cravings for snacks and food after consuming cannabis? This phenomenon, commonly known as the munchies, is a...

Tips for Preventing the Munchies

The munchies, also known as the urge to snack on junk food, can be a common occurrence for many people. Whether it’s due to...

Tips for Preventing Hunger Cravings: A Guide to Avoiding the Munchies

Hunger cravings can be a real challenge for many people, especially those who are trying to maintain a healthy diet or lose weight. The...

11 Best Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

There are over 150 coffeeshops in Amsterdam alone, and with so many options, it is hard to know where to go for quality products...

German Legalization Details

German legalization details have emerged. A draft of the German legalization bill leaked to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur or DPA news agency.The German government is...

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