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Tag: money

CoinGeek London 2020 Blockchain Conference Features Global Speaker Lineup of Business & Technology Leaders

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" type="text" content="Keynote speakers are Wall Street strategist Tom Lee and Best-Selling Author &amp; Economist George Gilder" data-reactid="12">Keynote...

Vivin’s low-end cryptomining campaign enters third year of activity

When it comes to cybercrime one does not necessarily have to be good to be successful as is being demonstrated by the cryptomining campaign...

To Avoid Disruption, Ransomware Victims Continue to Pay Up

For all the cautions against doing so, one-third of organizations in a Proofpoint survey said they paid their attackers after getting infected with...

Peter Shor wins 2018 Micius Quantum Prize

Peter Shor, the Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics at MIT, has received the 2018 Micius Quantum Prize, which is awarded within...

What is Ethereum? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Ethereum is the second-biggest player in the cryptocurrency world today. Founded only 4 years ago by Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum platform has seen...

Shyft raises $15M to simplify employee relocation

The company is already available in 83 countries and plans to double its transactions this year As most of likely know,...

What is Blockchain? | The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

On January 9, 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto shared with us the inventions of both Bitcoin and its underlying technology, the blockchain. Now this revolutionary...

Why DPOs and CISOs Must Work Closely Together

Recent data protection laws mean that the data protection officer and CISO must work in tandem to make sure users' data is protected.With...

Unearth the future of agriculture at TC Sessions: Robotics+AI with the CEOs of Traptic, Farmwise and Pyka

Farming is one of the oldest professions, but today those amber waves of grain (and soy) are a test bed for sophisticated robotic...

Margin Lending: Earn the Best Interest Rates in the Cryptocurrency Lending Market

The lending of cryptocurrencies has been an interesting sector to observe over the past year as new products have proliferated in the market....

Cybersecurity Lessons Learned from ‘The Rise of Skywalker’

They're especially relevant regarding several issues we face now, including biometrics, secure data management, and human error with passwords.The Star Wars film franchise...

Hacker Noon Is Storing Content on a Blockchain After Ditching Medium

Hacker Noon is putting its money where its pen is, embedding blockchain features into its new publishing platform. Annotations on Hacker Noon’s blog-styled content,...

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