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Tag: monetary

Promoting Your Crowdfunding Campaign on Social Media

The only guide you need to promote your campaign across all the social media platforms that will get you the most engagement, views...

Do Backer Affiliations Help or Hurt Crowdfunding Success?

Trying to add more backers helps, but when such backers have prior affiliations, it hurts.

InnMind and the Draper University united forces to let the founders of the best startups worldwide live the dream of Silicon Valley

The founders of the best startups will fly to Silicon Valley to attend the Hero Training program with a scholarship offered by Draper University during the EU | Silicon Valley Entrepreneurship Training event hosted by InnMind.

Crowdfunding Software: A Complete White Label Solution

Crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and crowdlending have been a few of the most popular and favorite business startup ideas for entrepreneurs around the world. Looking at popularity but lack of reliable, robust, feature-rich crowdfunding software, we at fundraisingscript.com decided to help entrepreneurs start their own crowdfunding platform with their own niche using our white label crowdfunding software solution. But what is white-label crowdfunding software? Let’s understand it first. What is White Label Crowdfunding Software? As an entrepreneur, you try to fix a particular problem using your unique approach and idea, but fulfilling your dream is not easy if you try to do […]

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Play-To-Earn and NFTs: The Future of Gaming? What you NEED to Know!

As a gamer myself, I spend a lot of time (too much probably) imagining what the future of gaming will look like. I do have to admit that I have been very disappointed in the slower than expected advancement of gaming technology over the past 20 or so years. I remember playing Super Mario 64 […]

The post Play-To-Earn and NFTs: The Future of Gaming? What you NEED to Know! appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Federal Reserve Could Kill Crypto Rallies In 2022

Galaxy Digital’s Mike Novogratz thinks that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell could be a threat to crypto’s bull run moving into next year. Speaking to CNBC, the billionaire investors said that “the macro story has changed a little bit,” adding that Powell being reappointed by President Biden could allow him “to act more like a […]

The post Federal Reserve Could Kill Crypto Rallies In 2022 appeared first on Coin Bureau.

The Most Ambitious Trend in Crypto

There is an “architectural shift” in technology and in the world brought upon by cryptoassets, which many crypto supporters miss, according to Marc Andreessen, co-founder of venture capital powerhouse Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), and founder of Netscape Communications Corporation. Today, a16z announced a new USD 2.2bn fund to continue investing in crypto networks. Meanwhile, in a […]

The post The Most Ambitious Trend in Crypto appeared first on Cryptocurrency Clarified.

Blockchain Investing with Nisa Amoils of A100x

There is an “architectural shift” in technology and in the world brought upon by cryptoassets, which many crypto supporters miss, according to Marc Andreessen, co-founder of venture capital powerhouse Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), and founder of Netscape Communications Corporation. Today, a16z announced a new USD 2.2bn fund to continue investing in crypto networks. Meanwhile, in a […]

The post Blockchain Investing with Nisa Amoils of A100x appeared first on Cryptocurrency Clarified.

Ceci N’est Pas une Cryptocurrency

2021 may go down as the year for meme trading: from the Wall Street Bets saga in January to runs on cryptocurrencies like DogeCoin and SHIB, it's safe to say that this holiday season, there are sure to be some interesting conversations happening around the dinner table. Rounding off the end of this year and hoping to capitalize on the ongoing conversations about American inflation, jobs, and monetary policy is a new project recently launched on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and trading exclusively on PancakeSwap that calls itself The FED Money Printer.

The idea for the coin itself was spun out of a simple joke: the idea that the Federal Reserve Banking system prints money, but what if people were able to print money themselves? The mechanics are that of a simple reflection token: whenever an investor buys or sells, they pay a 15% tax, wherein 4% goes to liquidity to maintain stability and growth, 4% goes to a Treasury fund, and the remaining 7% is dispersed among stakeholders in the form of BUSD-a BSC currency pegged to the value of the USD. Simply put, the more people hold during periods of volatility, the more money they get back.

Art... that makes money

“The whole thing is almost like an art project,” explained the developer, Sobel. “We just wanted to capitalize on the larger conversations happening around America's economic recovery efforts and see if we could inject ourselves in the middle of it through light-hearted political satire about monetary policy. We're blown away by how overwhelmingly positive the response has been from people.”

However, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. “Yeah, our launch did rub some people the wrong way, some more conspiracy-minded people seemed to have had our humor go over their heads-- our Telegram channel even got raided by a group from 4chan at one point.”

Despite these setbacks, Sobel saw an opportunity to incorporate the crisis into the brand: “I took a page from [John Maynerd] Keynes, and decided to win over some of our opposition by offering a stimulus package of free shares to anybody who wanted them. It didn't take long to bring many of them onboard.”

A Brighter Future

“At the end of the day it's just fun,” stated Sobel plainly. “I want everybody to be able to go into the holidays being able to say they paid for their presents with the ‘money printer.' It's just plain wholesome.”

What follows from there, the developer was a bit more oblique: “well I have seen in the news that the Federal Reserve likes talking about minting a trillion dollar coin some day. We don't do NFT's right now, but that could be something worth looking into.”

To connect with the team behind the FED Money Printer project, check out their website or join their Telegram channel.

Social Cost of Carbon

The social cost of carbon (SCC) is an extremely important tool for understanding our global climate change situation and determining the most cost-effective solutions....

How is the Price of Carbon Determined?

The price of carbon can vary widely. Compliance carbon trading systems have pricing based on local economies and systems, but even voluntary market prices...

CBD Online Shop Review: Green House Coffee Shop

The cannabidiol (CBD) industry is on the rise. New companies are entering the market every week, and more and more people are interested in...

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