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Tag: models

Malaysia and Singapore: At the Forefront of the XR Revolution

Malaysia and Singapore have been Asia’s pioneers or leaders in the tech space, and this reflects in the adoption of extended reality solutions too! Rudimentary Virtual Reality has existed in…

The post Malaysia and Singapore: At the Forefront of the XR Revolution appeared first on Augray Blog.

Are Businesses Ready for Faster Payments?

The payments industry is currently undergoing a once-in-a-generation change in infrastructure, as use cases increasingly shift towards the promise of faster, or even instant, payments settlement. Progress has been ongoing for years, but the reality of the global pandemic drove the reasons for innovation to the forefront of the minds of many in businesses from small to large today. That increasingly urgent perspective was a key theme revealed by the Federal Reserve’s recent Market Readiness Brief survey, which collected responses from more than 2,000 businesses ranging from small to very large. Looking at a range of different industries and specialties,

The post Are Businesses Ready for Faster Payments? first appeared on FinTech Rising.

KellyOCG’s Francis Padamadan is now TritonExec’s partner & global head – executive RPO

TritonExec, an executive search firm specialising in fintech and professional services, has appointed Francis Padamadan as partner and global head of executive RPO....

Attractive solution for a successful transition to the home office

The past 8 months have been filled with uncertainty. In response to the pandemic, centralized office spaces have been replaced by decentralized staff...

Ecommerce Trade Shows 2022: A List of Global Ecommerce Conferences You Can’t Miss

In-person ecommerce conferences are on the verge of a huge comeback in 2022. After almost two years of COVID-19 pandemics, event organizers are slowly taking up the threads of ecommerce trade shows (following the local public health protocols, of course). At Elogic, we’re more than excited about the possibility to get together with the industry […]

The post Ecommerce Trade Shows 2022: A List of Global Ecommerce Conferences You Can’t Miss appeared first on Elogic.

A World Post Legalisation — The Pros & Cons of Legal Cannabis

In the USA, we saw the simultaneous conflict between state and federal law, and the benefit of legalisation for different state economies. In the Netherlands and Spain, there was a half-hearted attitude towards legalisation. As for Uruguay? Full legalisation without proper preparation. Everybody did it a little differently — so is there a best way to do it?

The post A World Post Legalisation — The Pros & Cons of Legal Cannabis appeared first on Sensi Seeds.

Google scores big win as court blocks iPhone tracking lawsuit

The tech giant wins an appeal against a claim that it unlawfully collected personal data of millions of iPhone users

The post Google scores big win as court blocks iPhone tracking lawsuit appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

IM Model Validation for UMR under EMIR – Backtesting

Last week the EBA published a consultation paper on its  its draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on Initial Margin Model Validation (IMMV) under the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).  This is an important and long awaited publication, particularly for the hundreds of firms in the EU that are complying with UMR IM requirements as of Sep 2021 […]

USD 5.1 Billion Growth expected in Gas Turbine Services Market by 2025 | 1,200+ Sourcing and Procurement Report | SpendEdge

Major Price Trends in the Gas Turbine Services Procurement Market The pressure from substitutes and a moderate level of threat from new entrants has...

3D artist creates stunning Overwatch MEKA models

What could other members of MEKA look like as 3D models? Artist Gong Ill created models for MEKA pilot Yuna Lee, also known...

The Costs and Challenges of Scaling IoT for Success | Prescient Devices, Founder & CEO Andy Wang

In this episode of the IoT For All Podcast, Prescient Devices’s Founder & CEO Andy Wang joins us to talk about the challenges...

Chatbots in Banking: The New Must-Have in Customer Care

For years, customers have been demanding more from their financial institutions. Covid-19, and the consequences that came from the pandemic only accelerated these customer demands. Consumers expect immediacy, personalized, and flawless interactions with their favorite brands and they expect the same from their banks.

The post Chatbots in Banking: The New Must-Have in Customer Care appeared first on Inbenta.

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