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Tag: ML

A Mini Guide to Artificial Intelligence in HR

Why the HR industry is looking to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology? Why organizations investing heavily investing in artificial intelligence HR functions? The only...

Machine learning models accelerate the search for critical electrocatalysts

Feb 13, 2020 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), oxygen evolution reaction (OER), and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are among the core electrochemical...

Semantic Search: Theory And Implementation

It took me a long time to realise that search is the biggest problem in NLP. Just look at Google, Amazon and Bing....

Who Is Your Golden Goose? Learn With Cohort Analysis

Customer segmentation is the technique of diving customers into groups based on their purchase patterns to identify who are the most profitable groups....

Demystifying artificial intelligence

Natalie Lao was set on becoming an electrical engineer, like her parents, until she stumbled on course 6.S192 (Making Mobile Apps),...

Machine Learning Pipelines: Setting Up On-premise Kubernetes

In this multi-part series, I’ll walk you through how I set up an on-premise machine learning pipeline with open-source tools and frameworks.Prologue: Model...

Interview with: Dinesh Sharma, Co-Founder and CTO of AskSid.ai

Dinesh Sharma is the Co-Founder and CTO of AskSid.ai, a company that develops a conversational AI solution that helps enterprises scale their...

Interview with Peter Voss, Founder & CEO of Aigo AI

Peter Voss is the Founder and CEO of Aigo AI, a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to create meaningful and hyper-personalized customer...

Interview with Peter Voss, Founder & CEO of Aigo AI

Peter Voss is the Founder and CEO of Aigo AI, a company that uses Artificial Intelligence to create meaningful and hyper-personalized customer...

10 Deep Learning Best Practices to Keep in Mind in 2020

IntroductionIf you take a look at the literature and publications about Artificial Intelligence since the 21st century, you can’t ignore Deep Learning. It...

Why We’re Investing in Anyscale

This year at CES, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, famously announced that Moore’s Law is dead. We’d argue that it’s not just...

Deep Double Descent

We show that the double descent phenomenon occurs in CNNs, ResNets, and transformers: performance first improves, then gets worse, and then improves again...

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