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Tag: mistakes

How to Present a Business Plan to Potential Investors

Sharing 5 known secrets how to structure the information for effective pitching a business plan to the investors. Giving away template for free!

Crowdfunding Software: A Complete White Label Solution

Crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, and crowdlending have been a few of the most popular and favorite business startup ideas for entrepreneurs around the world. Looking at popularity but lack of reliable, robust, feature-rich crowdfunding software, we at fundraisingscript.com decided to help entrepreneurs start their own crowdfunding platform with their own niche using our white label crowdfunding software solution. But what is white-label crowdfunding software? Let’s understand it first. What is White Label Crowdfunding Software? As an entrepreneur, you try to fix a particular problem using your unique approach and idea, but fulfilling your dream is not easy if you try to do […]

The post Crowdfunding Software: A Complete White Label Solution appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

How To Create a Crypto Portfolio That Can Survive a Bear Market

We’ve all heard the rumors; a bear market is coming eventually. Whether it be in 2 months or six months is up for anyone to guess; however, we know it will be here, and you want to be prepared when it does. It’s nothing new in the crypto industry, and those that have been here […]

The post How To Create a Crypto Portfolio That Can Survive a Bear Market appeared first on Coin Bureau.

ManageEngine EMS Review 2021: Features, Pricing & More

In this Desktop Central review, we will talk about how this software can change your lives easier. ManageEngine is a company that provides your company...

The post ManageEngine EMS Review 2021: Features, Pricing & More appeared first on All That SaaS.

ManageEngine EMS Review 2023: Features, Pricing & More

In this Desktop Central review, we will talk about how this software can change your lives easier. ManageEngine is a company that provides your...

4 Smart Tips to Optimize Support Ticketing Workflows

Investing in a ticketing system is a good start, but how do you get the most out of it? To keep your customer service team running like a well-oiled machine, you need to optimize your support ticketing workflows. This article gives you the recipe for reduced handling times and increased agent productivity and responsiveness when addressing customer queries and concerns.

The post 4 Smart Tips to Optimize Support Ticketing Workflows appeared first on Inbenta.

Maximizing Campaign ROI: Crash Course for Fundraisers

Maximising Campaign ROI: Crash Course for FundraisersMaximising your nonprofit’s fundraising returns requires raising more while spending less. Learn these modern tips for boosting...

How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today!

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain careers are trending at all-time highs and the industry is growing at a rate so quickly that hundreds of jobs are being advertised faster than you can type up your resume. In fact, a survey performed by LinkedIn in 2020 found that Blockchain skills were the most in-demand skills in the United […]

The post How to Launch your Blockchain Career Today! appeared first on Coin Bureau.

Tokens, Crypto and Startups, Expert Opinion on Topics

All you need to know about how to run a crypto startup: ✅Tokenizing a startup: Where to start ✅ The relationship with the investors in crypto startups ✅Token, funding rounds and crypto strategies ✅The truth of running a startup

Chatbots in Banking: The New Must-Have in Customer Care

For years, customers have been demanding more from their financial institutions. Covid-19, and the consequences that came from the pandemic only accelerated these customer demands. Consumers expect immediacy, personalized, and flawless interactions with their favorite brands and they expect the same from their banks.

The post Chatbots in Banking: The New Must-Have in Customer Care appeared first on Inbenta.

AI, Cheating, and Faking It

No, really.

The post AI, Cheating, and Faking It appeared first on e-Literate.

AI, Cheating, and the Future of Work

Machines shouldn't be the only ones that are learning.

The post AI, Cheating, and the Future of Work appeared first on e-Literate.

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